Part 8.1

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Randeep : Who the hell is this Raj? 

Ashi slowly opens her eyes and notices that he is so close to her making anyone think they are about to kiss.

 She turns her face sideways avoiding looking at his fury eyes. This makes him even more angry and he grabs her chin forcing her to looking at him. 

Randeep : Look at me when I'm talking to u, whoever this Raj is I don't care but just remember one thing, only I have the rights on you so forget this so called Raj of yours because you are mine ONLY MINE! 

She looks at him for few sec trying to register what he is saying.

Ashi : Your wrong, u have no rights on me because ONLY Raj have right on me ONLY Raj, so its best if u get that in your head. Yes its true that we are going to get married but that's only for our parents sake otherwise I would even want to marry a person like you who is responsible for my Pia's state. 

Randeep : How can I forget you assume things too quickly without thinking, about Raj he can go to hell because soon he will find out who will have full rights on you. About Pia, you just jumped into conclusion and blamed me for something I didn't do but you know what I don't think I need to prove my innocence to you because u don't deserve it. 

They are glaring at each other. He walks away from there and goes back to the table while she composes herself and joins them. 

Ashi : Nandu, I will leave now. 

Nandini : But di stay for a while and also Randeep Bhaiya, is here so why leave early? 

Ashi : I wish if I could but I got to go home right now as I have to discuss something important with him. 

Nandini : Di, you know he came here for you and you cant even spend time with him! 

Ashi : Come on Nandu, in fact I just asked him a min ago when he was near the washroom that if I can leave as I have to meet Vijay, and he said that's completely fine right? 

He doesn't answer and is giving her only a blank look. She hugs Nandini and Jagat and sarcastically said bye to him before leaving.

Once she sits in her car, she takes a deep breath and heads home. She is upset too, as she recalls Raj and her conversation and then, their intimate moments, : I love only and only you Raj, please understand my situation! 


This part is super long, so have divided it. But I don't know, when will I update next, as I am very busy, which you might know, why later! 

And please, give long comments, as I am too greedy! 😌🤪

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