Part 11.1

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Vijay reaches home around 5:30am and goes to his room and closes the door making sure not to disturb anyone. He sits down on the bed and remembers what Pia told him when he asked her about who was the person that raped her and still can't believe it. But one thing is clear to him that Randeep is not the culprit and now it is time for Ashi to know herself.

 He doesn't feel like sleeping anymore so he gets changed into his jogging track suit and goes out.


Around 7:00 Komal is coming down in her night gown as she is going to the kitchen to ask Imli what is the menu for breakfast when she sees Vijay walk in, but he doesn't see her as he is in his own world. 

Komal : Vijay! 

Vijay : Mom, what happened is everything okay? 

Komal : I'm fine but how come you  went for jogging so early? 

Vijay : Actually, I woke up early and couldn't go back to sleep so thought of going early. 

Komal : Is everything okay? You look worried and also tired.

Vijay : I'm fine Mom don't worry. I will go and freshen up. 


Vijay gets ready around 7:45am and picks up his phone to call Randeep. Randeep and Rajeev are doing their workout in the gym when he have to stop as his phone is ringing and seeing the caller ID he answers. 

Randeep : Hi Vijay, how are you? 

Vijay : I'm good, what about you? 

Randeep : All good, but is there any problem? 

Vijay : You and Rajeev need to be at the hospital around 8:30am.

Randeep : Hospital? Is everything okay? 

Vijay : Everything is fine, just meet us outside room 101 as Pia has been shifted there and all your answer will be answered at the hospital.

Randeep : Okay we will be there. 

Rajeev : Dude, what happened? 

He tells him what Vijay said and they are thinking about Pia. 

RajShi FF ~ YOU ARE MINE ONLY MINE (Done)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora