Part 5.3

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Pia : Ashu, I got rap, Raped and he. He, tried to..

And with that she loses conscious. Ashi tries to register hee word and puts it together and all she gets is "I got raped, he tried to" 

Suddenly, Ashi finds a watch laying near her, she picks it up and tries to register who it belongs to only to remember that she have seen it on his wrist. She gets angry she remembering Pia's words and now the watch she cannot believe he would do something like this but right now she have to take her to the hospital. 

She runs outside to call the driver as she doesn't want anyone to know about her state yet. The driver and she rushes in and places Pia in the car and takes her in the hospital. 

She is waiting outside and she sees his call on her phone but she keeps on ignoring it. After few hours the doctor comes out. 

Doctor : I'm sorry but the patient has slipped in to coma because of the head injury. 

The next day she reaches to uni and goes to a class room as she knows that this time he and his friends are alone in that class. She walks in and looks at hin with rage.  

Randeep : Ashi, where were you last night? I kept calling you but you never answered it, the security guard told me that he saw you go out with Pia in the car. You know yesterday I saw her in a room..

But before he can continue she slaps him. His friends looks shocked while some students who are standing outside are also shocked. 

Ashi : Enough, stop your drama, don't pretend to care about her after what you did to her. 

Randeep : Ashi, what the hell are you saying I didn't do anything to her. 

Ashi : Oh really that why your watch was in that room right. 

Randeep : Ashi, do you know what your blaming me for! 

Ashi : Off course I do, coz she mentioned your name, plus your watch was found next to her and also you know what state she was in, before losing conscious she said she got raped and only you were in that room because that watch was there but I know nobody will believe me coz there is no proof except your watch which is of no use. Your so disgusting, I never knew you were that despo. 


Ashi : I hate you, I just hate you I will never forgive for what you did to her! 

After that day she didn't see him as she decides to shift back to India and transfer her to a hospital in India, she informs her Dad who is heartbroken but she didn't mention about him because she no proof against him all she had told him that pia mentioned that she got raped and because of the head injury she slipped into coma'

End of flashback


As, I mentioned this part is very long, so divided it🙂

Ignore spelling and grammatical mistakes! 

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