Part 12.2

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Randeep opens the door and sees Ashi facing the window. 

Ashi : As you know Pia told us who is responsible for her state and after knowing the truth I'm sorry for blaming you for something you didn't do. I seriously feel guilty. Without thinking I said anything to you when you were not at fault but believe me at that time I didn't know what to do seeing her in that state and her mentioning your name, seeing your watch next to her put me in a doubt and without trying to think properly I blamed you. I'm extremely sorry I seriously regret saying all that to you. I don't know if you will forgive me but please try and understand me.

Randeep : Are you done? 

Ashi : I know you are angry with me and hurt by my accusation but if possible please forgive me. 

Randeep : Oh really? If she hadn't come out of coma you would still be blaming me, and your lover Raj will be enjoying his life without any worry of been caught right? But that is not the case as the truth had to come out at some point. You just asked me to forgive you but think how I felt three years ago when you blamed me something I didn't do in front of my friends and some students. Because of you I didn't feel the same some people looked at me as if I was a creep, but thanks to god that all ended soon. What are you going to do now after finding out who the real culprit is. Are you going to try and save your lover boy?

She feels like punching him on the face, for taking her Raj's name in this way. 

Ashi : Randeep!

Suddenly her cell rings and she looks at the caller id. 

Randeep : Well, I will leave you alone since your Raj is calling you!

She goes out and sees inspector walking in Pia's room. She hurries up to go home. 

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