Part 9.4

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Randeep is in his office trying to read a file but he is not able to seeing Pia in this state and he prays that she gets better soon. He closes the file and rests his chin on his hand looking into space. He looks at the time and sees it is 4 and thinks of going home, freshen up and get changed into something causal as he also have to go to the airport to pick up Rajeev .

 Vasu is surprised to see him coming in early. 

Vasu : Randeep beta  how come you are early today? 

Randeep : Mom, do me a favour. 

Vasu : What? 

Randeep : Please tell one of the maid to clean the guest room. 

Vasu : Why? Who is coming?

Randeep : Mom, you will know soon just do that much for me. 


Randeep have reached the airport around 5:50 thanks to the less traffic but he still have to wait as Rajeev's flight is going to land around 6. It is around 6:15 and he is patiently waiting, when he sees his friend coming towards him with a smile on his face. 

They hugs each other and stays liked that for few minutes. 


Precap - 

AshDeep engagement and Pia out of coma. 

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