Chapter 27: The Senator and The Secretary

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____December 23rd, 1933____

Despite Cody giving those stern words to Ken Drick, he was granted to have a break. Knowing that this was a chance to go up the province, he and Jazmine went up to spend Christmas with Carlos and his family.

Their carriage arrived at his cousin's residence with them being greeted by Carlos himself.

"Cody," he said while both of them smiled and patted each other on the back.

"My lady," he turned to Jazmin and bowed before kissing her hand. She could only giggle while Cody could only roll his eyes playfully at his cousin.

"I recieved your letter last month and me and my family are happy to celebrate Christmas with you," he said while Cody smiled.

"Thank you so much... hows Maria and the children?" He asked while Carlos nodded.

"They're doing well... but as of recent Maria has been a bit distant with us. Whenever we try to ask her what's wrong she would shut it down. That's why I was hoping that you would talk to her," he said while he guided them into the townhouse.

"Uncle Cody!"

"Tio Cody!"

His niece and nephew shouted while they tackled him to the ground with a hug.

"Be careful kids your tiyo just came from an accident," Jazmin said while they turned to her and hugged her too. Carlos could only look at Cody with a raised eyebrow before he pointed to his leg which Carlos could only frown at before helping him up.

"Auntie Jazmin!"

"Hi Tia,"

She could only smile as they hugged her and listened to her stomach.

"They're as stubborn as your Uncle is," She joked as they giggled while Cody gave a small laugh before shouting "hey," at the small jab. Only makes everyone laugh harder.


They were able to settle down in the guest room. He listened to their wives talk about how their husbands seem to be always running around the place, before chatting about different issues.

His cousin is playing with his nephew while his thoughts dwell on his niece. Concern and worry dominated his thoughts while he stood up and started looking for her.

He went outside to see her sitting on the fence of the porch, snowflakes were falling from the sky yet instead of bringing joy, it only gave him a sense of despair and sadness.

He went to her, giving her a soft pat on the back. Surprising her yet she didn't lose her balance.

"Hi Tio, why aren't you inside with them?" She asked joyfully yet her expression told him that she wasn't feeling well.

"They're discussing about the recent theatre show and I'm not really interested so why not spend some time with my favourite sobrina," he said while she lightened up at the mention of her being his favorite.

"I thought you love high class things Tio," she said jokingly while he rolled his eyes and she laughed.

"I prefer not to have those things, people must see that I live not by words alone but by example," he said in a sarcastic tone while she laughed. Her laughter started to fade away but her mood seemed to improve, so he decided to take the chance with her.

"Maria are you okay?" He asked while she looked back at him.

"Si, of course, Tiyo. I'm okay," she answered while he gave her a slightly stern expression, making her realize that he wasn't asking about what just happened.

"Tio, I'm happy here with you, Tia Jazmin, Tio Carlos, and Tia Hannah," she answered but he could tell that her tone was hiding something.

"Come on Maria, I could tell something is wrong," he said while she turned to him with anger in her eyes.

"I MISS THEM OKAY!" She shouted while he gave her a sad smile.

"EVERY DAMN DAY I JUST WONDER IF THEY TRULY CARE ABOUT ME AND IT HURTS THAT I CANNOT GO BACK CONSIDERING ABUELA MIGHT DISOWN ME LIKE SHE DID TO YOU!" she continued while he slowly approached her and wrapped her in an embrace. Tears going down her face while he patted her on the back yet his thoughts were going wild.

"She misses them and I cannot get them here considering everyone is ready to strangle me for my report last month... what would Astrid do? What would Chesney do?" He thought while she continued crying on his polo.

"You're not alone," he said while she looked up at him with those same eyes he used to see when she was still a toddler.

"Your Abuela loves you just as she loves me... its just that she has a hard time trying to show that love without being harsh," he said while she grasped onto his polo for warmth and comfort.

"I just wish it didn't end up like this," she said while he continued gently rubbing her back. He needs to get them to reconcile, yet between him and Carlos, they both agreed that they needed to get away from that situation.

But Maria didn't deserve to be here, she deserved to be loved by her family.

"You know I remember the first time I saw you," he said while she looked up at him.

"You were a small baby, Chesney and Astrid were worried that you were stillborn... even your Abuela prayed nonstop until you cried," he continued while he let go of her and looked her in the eyes once more.

"She watched and took care of you every day," he continued her sad eyes reminded him of Chesney.

Those eyes that used to seek comfort in him whenever things went wrong. The same eyes that bear a sadness that shouldn't be there. He went silent when his thoughts went back to his time back in The Philippines, a much simpler time.

A time before the revolutions, a time before his father's death. If he has the chance to confide in his father he would take it.

"Do they even still care about me?" She asked, breaking him out of his thoughts.

"They do... they're just terrible at showing it," he said doing his best to comfort his niece. She looked at him again before hugging him once more, finding warmth against the cold weather.

"Thank you, Tio Cody... I don't know what I would've done if you weren't around," his thoughts went back to their family while gently rubbing her back to soothe her.

"Cody! Maria! Time for dinner!" Shouted Jazmin while they separated from the hug, he gave her a warm smile while guiding her back inside. Both are happy finding comfort in each other.


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