Intermission: Doubt

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It was a quiet night, Cody was still in his makeshift office as he worked on different drafts of the constitution.

He knew it was quite early since they were still going to have an election to determine who was going to be the first president of their new government.

Yet he knew he couldn't resist writing down draft after draft of the constitution knowing that the previous document that was running their country during the Revolutionary War didn't aid them much.

By the third year of the war, they had to somehow pay the militiamen and soldiers who participated. Cody knew that it was long before many deserted the Revolutionary Army.

It was only thanks to Kyra's quick thinking that was able to solve the problem.

He sighed, knowing he couldn't help being guilty of Kyra's death.

If only he didn't allow himself to be caught, he would have continued the argument with the military courts until they pleaded her not guilty.

He stopped writing, placing his quill in the inkpot. Deciding to take a stroll around the building. He took out his pocket watch, checking on what time it was.

It's already 11:30 in the evening. He sighed knowing that he would probably be forced by the guards to go back to his office to get some rest. He continued on his stroll until he saw someone familiar.

"Turner, why are you here?" he asked as Jazmine looked at him.

"I'm just taking a stroll," Cody shook his head knowing that wasn't the reason.

"I know you're lying Jaz, what's wrong?" Cody asked as he held her close. She tried to push him away.

"I'm just thinking about us, Cody," She said in a hushed tone. He could only look at her with a raised eyebrow.

After the battle of Cheapsake Bay, both of them agreed to keep their love a secret. It was because of him being worried that the troops would kill her immediately after they learned of her previous position within the empire.

"I don't really see any problem with us, Jazmine," Cody whispered to her as he tried to pull her in.

"The problem is I can't take it being secretive of our love,"

"Jaz, I know it's hard, but I'm trying my best to keep you safe. I promise that after the war, and peace talks have ended we can openly express our love," He said as she looked at him.

"How long will that take," He could only sigh as he looked at her with a sad look.

"I don't know, maybe after the election," Cody said as she looked at him.

A few moments passed by as Cody sighed once more and turned heading for his office.

"A former's emperor's hand and Revolutionary War hero won't work you know," She muttered as he turned around to look at her. Searching her eyes, after a moment he gave her a soft smile.

"You know your eyes tell a different story, that's why I fell for you. Your eyes tell me that you yearn for a different life. A life away from the Royal Court and from the King. Your eyes are Emeralds amongst the darkness the King has impose on you," She looks at him, tears welling up in her eyes. He was able to figure out what caused her this doubt.

"You're too idealistic," She said jokingly.

"and you're too cynical," He responded in an amused tone.

Silence dominated as both still smiled fondly at each other.

"Why don't you join me, my office is nearby and I do sleep in there," Cody said as her eyes glimmered with joy, then it suddenly toned down with worry.

"Are you sure, no one would catch us snuggling to each other," She asked him as his smile turned into a grin.

"I made sure no one would have access in there," Cody said as she looked at him, looking into his eyes if he was telling the truth.

After a moment, she nodded with the brightest smile she ever had, warming him despite the cold winds of December.


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