Epilogue: A Revolution is Coming

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Here lies Cody Henry C. Rivera

Loving Husband and Father, Revolutionary General and Compassionate Leader.

May he rest in peace.

The graveyard of St. Lorenzo church was full of people. Mey and the rest military high command paid their respects to the father of the North Pacific military.

Mey could only look at Cody's wife and children. He saw the grief in Jazmine's eyes, yet he felt something much darker brew within the woman.

He distracted himself to look at Cody's children. He saw Henry carrying his father's pocket watch, something he knew meant dearly to him before he met his wife. Next to Henry was Charlotte, she seems jealous of her brother.

Mey could only hope that Cody's wife and kids can handle this.


It has been months since Cody's duel and his death. All the anger and despair his wife, bottled up for the past few years finally exploded as she renounced her faith towards the republic.

She was considering leaving the Imperialist movement after Cody promised to her that he will live with her peacefully after his term, yet that never came. All because he was too proud to admit that he was wrong.

She had her doubts about Dwayne Newhiskey, but all those doubts had faded away. When he 'comforted' her while she grieved. A former British soldier, comforting the Emperor's hand. How fate plays its card in an ironic way.

Yet she somehow found him charming. It was only a matter of time before she re-introduced herself to the Imperial movement.

Her plan to destroy the National Convention, and raise a mighty Empire was in place. Now it's only a matter of time before she executes the plan.


Imperial Soldiers were marching towards the National Convention, their muskets raised towards the National Guards.

She continued the march with her associates to the National Convention building. Their plan was going smoothly until they reach the door of the main hall.

It was barricaded. She heard the voice of a certain farm boy turned military commander. Imperial Soldiers continued to ram the door. Until the barricade broke and the door opened from the pressure.

She saw the portrait of her husband and his friends lifted. She turned to the table to see the passageway was closing. Before it fully closed, she saw a glimpse of a few soldiers dragging Mey down the tunnel.

She sat on the chair that Ken Drick used to seat on. She drew a sadistic pleasure from the irony of the situation.

The one thing her husband and Ken Drick tried to stop has fully taken control of the government they wanted to protect.

After bickering about who will lead the Empire, she was given the position of Empress. With the advancement of technology, a camera started to film her. Giving out a live broadcast.

"Citizens of Islands of St. Lawrence, our senators, our president and along with our beloved National Guard are now sadly enemies of the republic,"

"They are all found guilty of treason for planning to destroy the republic my dear husband and founders have founded. To ensure peace and security for every citizen,"

"The Republic shall be reorganized into the first North Pacific Empire!" Jazmine shouted as she heard the citizens outside cheer.

After months of anti-republic propaganda and destroying the name of the Republic. It has all paid off. She achieved what she thought was impossible ten years ago.

She has become the empress of an empire.


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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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