Chapter 8: French Arrival

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________July 22, 1932________

The waves of the North Pacific were quite calming despite the war happening in their homeland.

The sun set into the endless horizon and Kyra could only watch in awe. The mighty French fleet gave her a sense of protection.

She could hear the merry singing of the sailors and diplomats.

"It is quite a beautiful view isn't it?" French Commander-of-the-Fleet François Darlan asked as she was snapped out of the mesmerizing view.

"It is indeed... I do wish I survive this war so that I could watch it everyday without the fear of being executed," Kyra said the commander nodded understandingly.

"Well Madam, I'm pleased to tell that we would be arriving at Port George by tomorrow," The admiral said as Kyra could only smile.

"Thank you, Admiral," Kyra said as the admiral bowed and went back to command the fleet.


Construction could be heard as the buildings ruined by the fire were repaired. Cody could only watch the progress as he waited for the report from the Supreme Council.

His thoughts go back to the rumors he heard of Kyra. Rumors were always big trouble as they allowed the British to sew distrust within the revolution.

Generals and Commanders close to him already reported and confirmed the current rumors that surround her.

_____March 24, 1932_____

It was three weeks after the capture of Vichisburg and the relocation of the Revolutionary government.

The tavern was quite busy today, the militiamen and National Guardsmen chatting away as he and Karl sat in a secluded area of the tavern.

"I want two shots of whiskey and a bowl of peanuts," Karl said to the hostess as she jolted down the order and brought it to the bar.

"The rumours are starting to get out of hand... The troops are starting to wonder where General Secretary Mutogil is... There has also been a lot of requests to check on her recent letters," Karl said as Cody could only give a stressful sigh.

"There is no evidence pointing towards her being traitor as far as intel goes she has been sent to France to retrieve supplies, reinforcements, and support," Cody said as it was Karl's turn to sigh.

"That's the point... Rumours are stronger than facts... Especially when those facts are so obscured," Karl said as Cody only nodded. The hostess returned with their drinks and peanuts, both men gave thanks to her as Karl looked at him with a more serious look.

"An even bigger problem is that the presidential guard is doing commands that weren't issued by any general..." Karl said as Cody drank the whiskey.

"Is this in regards to what happened back at Hillop?" Cody asked as Karl could only nod.

"I had to ride there myself just because they wouldn't even bother sending a letter... And can you believe it they were just there drinking and playing cards as if the war isn't happening," He seriously needs to talk to Ken Drick about it.

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