Chapter 20: Negotiations

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_____December 15, 1932_____

National Guardsmen glared at the two high officials of the colonial government while Colonel Lawrence and Commander Nikes escorted them with the 20th Delegation Regiment.

"Unhand me!" Bragsbeille struggled while Nikes turned and looked at him with a glare.

"Mr. Bragsbeille with all due respect you have no right make demands with us," Cristian said as he turned back and focused on guiding them to the conference hall.

While Bragsbeille didn't want to admit it, the revolutionaries had a good system going, with revolutionary leaders controlling different sectors while setting their capital with heavy defenses. The doors of the conference opened and sat on their seats were Generals Rivera and Booker, and President Winchester. Accompanying the Black Guard is Commander Bracodo.

Decorated on the wall is the flag of the revolution, below it was the flag of the British Empire. Both men were shocked as Ken Drick spoke.

"Mr. Feylorn, it's good to see that you and Mr. Bragsbeille over here are finding yourselves comfortable." Ken Drick said in a calm tone.

"Do you really think the Empire would allow you to have independence?" Bragsbeille shouted as he struggled, the Black Guard immediately held him in place.

"Yes, do you think that they could afford to fight another revolution? Admit it... This war has been costly for all sides involved especially yours," Cody said as Ken Drick nodded in agreement.

The Minister looked down at his shoes while Bragsbeille stood down with his arguments.

"Mr. Winchester how about you and your generals withdraw your troops from Revilla and the different military strongholds that you established in trade, we will recognize your government as a state under the Empire, and you will have an elected representative to represent your State. A Commonwealth in that meaning where you can elect your own officials but you have to deliver reports and send money," The Minister said as Bragsbeille looked more enraged.

"In terms, your government will function as its own state with a governing body with a small military force to protect you in exchange you pledge your allegiances once more to the British Empire,"

"Sir, with all due respect... we fought a revolution not to be oppressed but to have total freedom from any foreign powers," General Booker said while Feylorn could only sigh in dismay.

"I will line this out you will have freedom to make your own laws and govern your people... in return you will have to pay taxes for the military and other expenditures," Feylorn said while Cody and Ken Drick kept quiet.

A Commonwealth sounds like a good idea yet they won't have the economic prosperity that would truly belong to their country. They will still have to pay taxes despite what the deal has offered.

Knowing the British Regulars and The Crown, they would take advantage and squeeze them dry as they were doing before their revolution.

It would also mean a heavy British' military presence as they would guard them every day, it would also mean they would grab the chance to disband the local militias that aided them in the revolution. Cody and Ken Drick nodded as they turned back and looked at the Minister.

"I'm sorry Mr. Feylorn but we fought valiantly to be free from oppression. We lost many men, family, and friends during this revolution... We cannot afford to be under an empire anymore. The idea of becoming a Commonwealth is tempting but alas we have promised the people freedom to decide what they truly want," Ken Drick said in a stern tone.

"So Minister. It's either we will sign this document, you, your officials, your troops, and your generals go back to London and tell your Prime Minister that we're free from our bonds of your Empire or this Revolution will continue until we both die of exhaustion," Cody said while the Minister and Bragsbeille couldn't even utter a single word. They cannot decide what to do.

"Your time is ticking Minister," Cody said as he brought out his pocket watch. As the watch is about to strike. The Minister gives his answer.

"You can gain your independence, but when we need your help in any conflict. Your country will help us in any way possible and you let all of your prisoners of war free," Feylorn said while Bragsbeille struggled once more against the guards' hold.

"Agreed but in turn, you notice us as our own sovereign nation, all structures, government, and military would be under our government, and all prisoners of war will be freed from custody," Cody said while Feylorn nodded. Bragsbeille is quiet during the entire exchange knowing that denying them independence will cause them to become bitter.

"Commander Bracodo, you may call Commander Lystrum and the rest of the Supreme Council," Cody said while Mey nodded, saluting before leaving the room.

"Are you happy? You gained independence but with the blood of your fellow men on your hands..." Bragsbeille asked while Cody turned to look at him.

"No... War is extremely ugly especially when its brother against brother. If I'm extremely honest about this, I'm glad that we're free but I only hope that I won't experience shooting my revolver at my fellow country men again," Cody said while Commander Lystrum entered along with a few French Admirals to escort the men and their army out of the country.

"They are under your watch now Commander..." Cody said to Ertchin while he nodded.

"Aye, General. We will make sure that they'll arrive back at the British mainland soon. As for the rest of their army, the Royal Navy could take care of that," Ertchin said as Cody nodded in response.


After everyone left, the Supreme Council entered the council chambers, ready to proceed with the process of gaining sovereignty.

"Negotiations are a success. We are allowed to have our independence but in return we must help the British whenever the call for help arises," Ken Drick said as Council members murmured in concern.

"We have decided to send delegates to France to attend the negotiations with the Prime Minister," Cody said while everyone murmured again.

"We're sending the delegates who were present when we were able to gain our French allies," Cody continued before being halted by one of the Council members.

"Sir, with all due respect, I fear that the delegates from a few years ago might either be missing or... dead. Wouldn't it be wise to send someone who the council and the military trusts," Councilor Ashton said while Cody and Ken Drick nodded.

"Yes thats why we have decided that Commander Bracodo and General Brooker would accompany them," Ken Drick said as the councilors nodded.


"Cody why was I chosen to be one of the delegates?" Mey asked before Cody left the chambers.

"Well because me and James think that you and Brooker could pull this off and win out independence," Cody said as he descended the stairs with Mey following him.

"Plus you and Brooker were able to pull off negotiations before its just now that you'll be negotiating with Churchill himself," Cody continued as they arrived at the main lobby.

"Why can't it be you or any of the other councilors?" Mey asked while his friend turned to look at him.

"We have to start drafting the Constitution... as you remember all those times we cannot fund the militiamem... we cannot continue with the Articles of Confederation hence I need to stay to help with that," Cody said while Mey nodded.

"Alright if you think we can do this, then I do too," Mey said while Cody smiled brightly at him and then patted him on the back.

"That's the spirit... now if I were you prepare everything you need for travel especially your formal military attire... I'll see you in a few months my friend,"


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