Chapter 5: Dreams

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It was just a few days after the battles of Herodia, Cheverton, and St. Ezekiel. Cody and Mey decided that the best course of action was to start the attack on different military installations until they strike the important military city of Vichisburg.

"The regulars would be guarding this route, so we'll divide the troops. I'll take command of the front force while you take command of the force who will ambush the regulars," Cody said as he put a finger on the route to Vichisburg.

Mey nodded as he yawned and quickly placed his hand on his mouth.

"Go ahead and get some rest... You'll need it for this campaign," Cody said as Mey nodded and went to his tent.

He took the plans and placed them in his bag. He went to his tent and placed his bag on the desk.

He settled himself on his sleeping bag while he took something from his coat.

It was a photo of his family. His father looked extremely serious, and his mother had a soft smile on her face as she looked at him and his sisters—three of them had big smiles on their faces as they play with each other.

He promised his sister before he left that he would make this place better for them, to continue what his father tried to do.

He slowly falls asleep, letting the warm embrace of the darkness take him.


He wakes up to see a shattered world. Broken pieces of glass floating and reflecting his past.

"What is this place?" He suddenly felt a presence behind him. He turns, drawing out his blade to protect himself in this unknown world.

"Well, this is The land of Dreams, old friend," Zak said as Cody visibly relaxed and sheathed his blade.

"It's been a long time, doc," Cody said as he smiled back at them.

"Indeed it has," Zak said while Ken Drick stepped out of the shadows.

"It is too late to rescue me... The regulars made sure of it. They locked my cell and hid the key," Zak continued while he and Ken Drick looked at him with sadness.

"There has to be a way," Ken Drick said as Zak shook his head.

"There is still a chance to negotiate for a better future," Cody said while Zak gave him a sad smile and shook his head.

"Peace with the regulars is useless... The king has ordered for all our arrests and heads to be placed on a pike,"

"Then negotiating with king is useless,"

Cody and Ken Drick nodded as they gave up. They all heard the church bells ringing.

"Well, that's my time, Continue making me proud you two," Zak said as he fades away from the world.

Cody and Ken Drick smiled at him as he faded. Their expressions turned serious.

"I have sent Kyra and a few Commanders to France to gain some allies to fight this war with us. We could bring a swift end to the war if we're able to garner enough support from foreign nations to go against the Redcoats. Within our home turf the twelve provinces who joined us in our cry for revolution ," Ken Drick said as Cody nodded.

"Thank the Lord... We seriously needed reinforcements. The battles of Cheverton, St. Ezekiel, and Herodia took a toll on our numbers, and from what I've heard we got a major defeat in the battle of Brooks hill,"

"I know, so far local militias are volunteering to join in the fight," He turns to look at one of the shards and continues, "We cannot afford to be divided when the fight just started so it would be wise of those officials to join us in fighting against the regulars,"

"Alright then James, I trust you on your judgement," Cody said as he placed his hand on his friend's shoulder.

"There are many battles that all of us have to battle, you in the council, Kyra at France, and Me in the battlefield, but I know in the end we will all get out of this alive," Cody continued as Ken Drick looked his friend and nodded in agreement.

Church bells started to ring in the land of dreams, Cody and Ken Drick knowing that their time is up nodded to each other as great white light engulf them.

Cody wakes up, seeing as it's still dark he checks his pocket watch at 5:45 am. Getting from the chair that he sat on last night, he fixed himself a bit and got out of the tent.

He went around the camp checking on their supplies and his men. After checking his men he went to the nearby cliffside to enjoy the sunrise.


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