Intermission: Letters to the family

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"To mi amada familia,

There isn't one day that I don't miss you... I'm sorry that I left without any reason, yet I had no choice but to leave.

To mi hermanitas, I'm sorry that I caused you both great pain, yet remember that your Hermano-mayor loves you, and did his best to protect you all from getting hurt...

To mi Madre, I'm sorry for all the pain I've caused you since passed away. I promise when I return I'll be there to protect our familia the same way he did.

To mi Cuñados, Protect mi hermanitas the way I should have done. I might never see your faces again but I hope you're safe. I'll never be able to say this in person, but Thank you for being there for them, for keeping them safe, and for loving the family.

To mi favorite sobrina, Maria. I know you won't remember me, it's been six years since you last saw me. Remember always that you have nothing to prove, you're special just the way you are. Oh mi dulce sobrinita, recuerda que eres amada todos los días.

Abre los ojos, Mantente seguro mi familia,
Cody Henry Luis Rivera,"


"When are you going to send those letters Cody?" Kyra asked as Cody looked up at her.

"I will eventually," Cody responded as Kyra rolled her eyes and went beside him.

"I know you miss your familia everyday, but you not sending these letters isn't helping you or them," Kyra said as he nodded in agreement.

"I have to keep my distance, the Guardia Civil might track my letters to them," Cody said as Kyra could only give him an unimpressed look.

"Cody that was nine year ago... Are you sure that they're still hunting you down?" Kyra asked, he looked to the side as she sighed in concerned exasperation.

"CODY HENRY LUIS RIVERA! You may be brave enough to fight against the Regulars but how in the hell are you not brave enough to send letters to your family!" Kyra shouted as Cody stood up from his desk and glared at her.

"NINE YEARS! The Spanish Regulars didn't give up on searching for me after five years! FIVE GODFORSAKEN YEARS of me hiding just to keep my family safe and I won't risk everything to send them a letter..." Cody said as he sat back down. Kyra was shocked, she saw Cody get angry in the past, yet this time it doesn't have its energetic flare of passion. It's strong desperation to protect his family. He sat down, and all his anger dissipated as he recollected himself. 

Before he could apologize for his outburst, Mey burst through the door. 

"The regulars are planning to attack the weapon and gunpowder storehouses at Cheverton!" Mey said as Cody and Kyra looked at him grimly.

"Mey, I need you to warn the militias at Cheverton and St. Ezekiel that the regulars are coming, once you're done rounding up the troops, Commander Richard Pratts will take command to lead the battle," Cody said taking out three letters from his coat and handed it to Mey. He nodded and went out.

"Kyra... you and James need to prepare yourselves. You're our only hope in gaining independence from the regulars, and I know that they're planning something, just dunno what it is," Cody said as he took his letter and went out of the cabin. 

End of Intermission

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