Intermission: It's not over

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The battle of Cheapsake Bay is a hard-earned victory for both the Revolutionaries and French troops.

The smoke was finally gone from the bay while sailors on the Jackdaw repaired whatever damages had happened during the battle.

Cargo floats closer to the ship while sailors quickly cast a net to grab it.


Ertchin and Cutter were in the Captain's quarters drinking a bottle of rum Ertchin brought out.

"Can you believe it Master Cutter? We have proven to Admiral Dorian that the Jackdaw can take on any ship, all with the inclusion of the treaty to ask for our French brothers to aid us in any war," Ertchin said as Cutter quickly took a shot of the rum.

"Aye Cap and don't forget the negotiations that are going to be held soon at Versailles... the revolutionary covenant might request us to bring their delegates to France soon,"

"Aye... that is true Cutter," Ertchin said while they heard a soft knock on the door.

"You may enter," Ertchin said as one of the sailors entered the quarters.

"Sir ... we found this in cargo floating towards the ship... we believe that its best for you to hold onto it," The sailor said while he quickly gave him a compass and a note attached to it.

He started reading it while Cutter took it to get a closer look. Suspicion was written in his eyes as he looked at the sailor.

"How could there still be cargo floating at this time? Especially when the French Navy has already cleaned up the battlefield?" Cutter asked while Ertchin also looked at the sailor with a questioning look.

"Sir, we don't know and if you won't believe you may call my fellow crewmates and they'll give you the same answer as I did," the sailor said while both Cutter and Ertchin nodded at each other.

"Alright we believe you sailor, you may go to your quarters and rest," Ertchin said as the sailor nodded and left the quarters, closing the door behind him.

Ertchin took the compass from Cutter, having a good look at it. Cutter watched him curiously while he opened it.

"And I though it was a legend," Ertchin said, Cutter immediately knowing what his friend was talking about.

"Aye Cap... the Sparrow's Compass, it will guide anyone to there greatest desire yet if it,s betrayed it will throw anyone's greatest fear at them," Cutter said while Ertchin nodded and rubbed his chin.

"I'll keep it with my navigation tools. As of now only you are allowed to hold this compass," he said as Cutter nodded and immediately drank the rum in his glass.

"Aye, friend... Its seems that I must go rest already... you too, we both have a busy day tomorrow," Cutter said as Ertchin nodded. He quickly got up from the table and left. Leaving Ertchin with the compass on his table.

"Legends are supposed to be left as legends... in a world where we're fighting wars every twenty years... I suppose there are some exceptions," Ertchin said as he fixed his navigation tools into his bag.


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