Chapter 6: Battle of Vichisburg

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_______February 26, 1932_______

"Men, I know we are facing an enemy who has better weapons and training, yet do I fear them? No, because I'm confident that we're able to defeat them in this battle. This is our homeland, we grew up knowing all about it. So now, it's victory or defeat and we shall never choose defeat," Cody said as men cheered, preparing their muskets and fixing their uniforms.

"You gave quite the speech, sir," he turned to see Connor at the side.

"They're just words... Only there to encourage the men to continue the fight... I wish I could be more honest with them," Cody said as he gave him a forced smile. He quickly took out his pack, took a letter and pistol, giving them to him.

"General, you'll reap what you sow... they may seem like words now but trust me, they'll be the words that describe an entire nation," Connor said while his smile felt more natural. He patted him on the back.

"Join Commander Bracodo's platoon, they'll need your help more than I do," Cody said as Connor nodded.

Home of the British High Command

The streets of Vichisburg were damp and cold as a messenger entered the war department of the military district.

Redcoats and Hessian soldiers stood guard with their muskets held high.

"State your business, Major Andre," Two redcoats blocked him from entering Bragsbeille's office.

"I have information for the General," Major Andre said as the Redcoats grunted and removed their muskets.

He entered the office to see General Bragsbeille working on different plans for future campaigns against the revolutionaries.

"General," he saluted as Bragsbeille stood up from his desk.

"Major Andre, what information do you have for me now?"

"Sir, the revolutionaries are planning a three-prong attack," Bragsbeille went to the side and started to prepare a drink. Major Andre went to his desk and quickly grabbed the paper's on it.

"Where are they planning to attack, Major?" Still focused on preparing drinks he didn't realize that the major had snooped through his desk and grabbed whatever information possible.

"Sir, they're planning to attack Brooksville, Cheapsake, and Jakusta," he continued, shoving all the papers into his pack and pockets.

"That would suffice Major, you're dismissed," he said as he took the drink and returned to his desk, not realizing that a spy had taken everything.

"Before that major would you please hand this letter to Commander Julius Pratts," He said as the major nodded and took the letter.

He saluted and quickly exited the office.


Away from prying ears and eyes. He shuffles his collar while breathing a sigh of relief.

He opens the letter, and as he reads it his eyes start to widen. They know about the attack on Vichisburg, and he must warn Generals Rivera and Brooker about the compromised plan.

He walks away quickly, to deliver the letter and avoid suspicion.

Road to Vichisburg

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