Chapter 1: Formation

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They went around town and knocked on the doors of all the La-Ligal Members.

"There is a meeting at Mr. Rivera's house, tomorrow at 5:00 pm," Ken Drick said as the member nodded and closed the door


They arrived at Cody's house. Ken Drick knocked on the door, it opened to reveal Cody. He gestured for them to enter.

As they started to fill up the mess hall, Cody took a seat at the head of the table. The members are confused that Dr. Rizal isn't around.

"As Vice President of La-Ligal, I have called this meeting on important matters," Cody said as the members took a sit.

"What's the important matters that you want to discuss about, Mr. Rivera," Cody looked at the opposite end to see it was Dwayne Newhiskey.

"The important matter being that Dr. Rizal has been arrested for forming this organization," Cody said, the room is quiet as if a knife has stabbed through the peaceful atmosphere.

"Then who said you were to take control of the organization, if he goes," Dwayne said Cody shook his head. He and Zak were close friends before his arrest.

Zak has told him to take command of the organization in case he gets arrested.

"Doctor Rizal has stated it in the past that I will take take control of the organization in case of him being arrested," Cody said as Dwayne shook his head.

"I believe that, the next course of action is to simply wait for Rizal to be released from prison," Dwayne said as Cody, Ken Drick, and Kyra shook their heads.

"We saw it with our own eyes, Rizal was arrested for treason," Ken Drick said as Dwayne looked at the man.

"I believe our next course of action is to organize a revolution, and gain independence from Great Britain," Cody said as members looked at him. Dwayne stood up in opposition to the man.

"First you take control of the organization and propose revolution, you're insane," Dwayne said as some members take a stand with him.

"Well, I'm sorry Mr. Newhiskey but its the only choice we got," Cody said as Dwayne and the other members in opposition continued with their stance.

"I believe there is nothing left here to discuss," Dwayne said as he and other members exit the meeting.

"Well, Mr. Rivera, what should we do?" one of the remaining members asked as Cody turned his gaze to the man.

"Revolution," Cody stated as he took out a document. Ken Drick started reading it out loud.

Formation of a Secret Society

To start a Revolution against the Colonizers and to gain independence for the Motherland.

Signing this contract will form a Secret Society with Ken Drick as President, Cody as Vice-President, and Kyra as Secretary.

The First meeting of this organization is today, November 12, 1925.

"All in favour of signing this document," Ken Drick said as an overwhelming majority raised their hands.

Seeing this, Cody stood up and went to one of the cabinets. Taking out an inkwell and quill and placing them on the table.

Holding the quill he signed the document first, giving it to Ken Drick. The cycle repeated until everyone inside the room signed the document.

"Congratulations, you are now members of the Secret Society to gain Independence," Cody said as everyone cheered.

"This concludes our meeting for tonight," Cody said as Ken Drick checked the clock.

7: 45 pm

Curfew starts in fifteen minutes. Everyone looked at the clock and started rushing outside of the doors. Ken Drick and Kyra, the only ones left behind as the clock chimed on 8.

"We need to go," Cody shook his head at Kyra.

"You know, it's already dangerous out there. The Colonial Guard are wondering the streets, especially with the arrest of Rizal. They're hunting us all down," Cody said as he gestured for them to stay.

"You do have a point," Ken Drick said, while Kyra looked conflicted.

"We'll stay, but in one condition," Kyra said as Cody nodded, encouraging her to continue.

"You must cook us some breakfast in the morning," Kyra said a small grin on her face as Ken Drick gave a hearty laugh, while Cody gave a chuckle.

"Alright, I'll cook you people some breakfast," Cody said with a smile as he guided them through his house.

They arrived at the second floor of the house.

"James, your room is the second door to the right. Kyra your room is the third door to the right. If you need anything I'll be at the end of the hall," Cody said to them as both nodded and went to their respective rooms.

As he heard them close their doors. He entered his room and went to his desk. Taking out the document, he stored it in a book. He stored it inside and took out another book.

When he first read this book, he was inspired to bring reform to these islands. That is when he met the author, Dr. Zak Rizal.

During that time Dr. Zak arrived from France and formed an organization to voice reform in the government. Cody signed up immediately and was allowed in the meeting.

He could only reminisce what happened in that meeting.


The meeting room is full with a member of La Ligal. They were discussing and decided to continue sending money and to support the Reformists in Britain.

After the meeting, Dr. Zak and Cody went to a corner of the meeting and started talking to each other.

"Zak, you know this isn't going to work, They won't do a single thing until Revolution breaks out,"

"Cody, we need to continue with peaceful reform. Who knows maybe there is a chance that the monarchy would listen,"

Cody was silent for a moment. He really hates the monarchy because of all the corruption the Colonial government is suffering from it.

"Okay, I would give peaceful reform a chance, but if it doesn't work. I guess Revolution is a choice,"

Zak shake his head and placed his hand on Cody's shoulder.

"Just continue to hope, my friend,"


Rizal had a point that violence isn't always the answer to freedom. Yet what had happened the day before only proved to him that there is no more peaceful solution to this.

He closed the book, changed into something comfortable, and got to bed.


They woke up to the smell of scrambled eggs and potatoes.

Cody was there washing dishes. Both Ken Drick and Kyra took their seats and started to eat their breakfast.

"Today is a new day, for we have started our first steps to freedom. The path to it is long and hard, yet there is nothing that will stop us from gaining Independence from Great Britain," Cody said as he took a seat and started eating with them.

The Founders smiled at each other, yet they will never know what the future has set for them.

To Be Continued

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