Chapter 21: An Old Enemy

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____April 24th, 1933____

He fixed his suit and tie while he waited anxiously for the Prime Minister of the British Isles. The 20th Delegation Regiment and The French National Guard stand at attention, hoping that fate is on their side.

He looks around with wonder at the interior of the Palais de Versailles. The intricate details show him the history of France before the French Revolution.

They heard a knock on the door, giving him shivers while he looked at Karl and the other delegates.

The French National Guard opened the doors to show the Prime Minister and his delegates.

They entered the room while everyone quickly stood up and shook hands with them.

"Good Evening Minister," Karl said while Churchill puffed on his cigarette.

"Let's get this over with. We have a war to deal with and negotiations over independence take up precious time," Churchill said as they nodded and proceeded with the negotiations.

"As you see Prime Minister our revolutionary forces have won. We demand full sovereignty over our country, with all the military and government buildings under our provisional government," Karl said while the delegates between both sides murmur.

Churchill puffed on his cigar and then removed it from his mouth.

"You see while we have many colonies throughout the world, it seems yours have been unaffected by the war... so I'll give you another deal, we'll give you partial sovereignty... declaring you a commonwealth under the British Empire. In exchange for your sovereignty and protection you will pay taxes," Churchill said as he bit on his cigar to let out some stress.

Their arguments started to ring out for Mey. Taxes were the core cause of the revolution. Unfair taxation and abuse caused by the British regulars started the tensions between the colonists and the British regulars. 

"Sir with all due respect, we suffered taxation without representation. Taxes have reached the point where bread causes more than shoes and socks. We were treated poorly by your military with them committing a massacre in Revilla," Karl said while Churchill could only look at him with an unimpressed look.

"Taxes are important for this Empire to continue," he said uncaringly while Karl could only sigh in frustration.

"Yet we're paying taxes for wars we've never been involved in," Karl argued while Churchill could only rub his nose as Karl had a point. He puffed on his cigar and then looked at the delegates next to him.

"Here are the terms. We will grant your country full sovereignty as well as hand over government and military buildings and prisoners of war, in exchange for all of that you will return all troops that became prisoners of wars and you will aid us whenever we need it," Churchill said knowing that despite granting them independence they will still have a vantage point against the Japanese.

Murmurs among the Revolutionary delegates started while Karl turned to look at them.

After a few minutes of murmuring and silent arguing it came to a sudden halt as Mey nodded to Karl.

He turned to the minister.

"We accept the terms of your deal sir," Karl said as Churchill shook hands. President De Gaulle smiled as he congratulated his revolutionary allies.

They forged the document and presented it to the two sides, to formally declare the end of the revolutionary war and the beginning of a new nation.


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