Chapter 24: Changing times

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___July 20th, 1933___

After dropping Mey and the representatives back into port. Ertchin received reports that their merchant fleet is being gunned down by a mysterious ship that is painted in red and black.

It sent shivers down his spine as the reports confirmed what he and his crew saw. He knows that he might be overthinking about it but he won't deny that everyone saw it.

He needs to go to Palayrum Vineyard so that he needs to repair the damages on his ship and get some upgrades.


As he walked onto the docks of the vineyard he went to the harbourmaster.

"Aye Commander, what would ye want?"

"I would like to purchase improvements to my ship's hull and cannons," he said while the harbourmaster looked at the ship's state.

"I assume you'll want to include repairs?" He asked while Ertchin nodded. The Harbourmaster wrote it all on a piece of paper.

"Aye Captain, they'll be finished within a few weeks," The Harbourmaster said while Ertchin paid him.

Meanwhile at Revilla

Mey and the representatives reported to the President and the Supreme Council. After a few months at sea. All of them were relieved to be back on land.

"What is your report Commodore?"

Mey suddenly fixed his posture and looked at Ken Drick.

"Sir, I believe my rank is Commander,"

"Well, you've been promoted,"

"Thank you, sir!"

Ken Drick nodded as one of the representatives stated the report.

"Sir, the British have accepted the terms of surrender and have decided to get out of all the forts and military buildings they have constructed in our country,"

"Okay, what is our side of the treaty?"

"We have to support them in any time of war, release the all prisoner's-of-war, and loyalists are allowed to leave our country," Karl said while Ken Drick nodded.

"We'll have to discuss that more in detail with the cabinet..." Ken Drick coughed a bit.

"You're dismissed. Please clean the office and seats you were Cough Cough using. The Cabinet meeting will convene later," Ken Drick continued as everyone fixed up and left. He checked his handkerchief it had blood on it.

Elections for the Governorship were coming soon. The local legislation of each province agreed on their governors but sooner they'll be converting it to act as the national government.

Where the people vote for the legislators and the legislators will cast the vote on who is to be governor. He needs to somehow survive until then, he needs to find a way to deal with the shadow that haunted him since the revolution.

While on that thought, an idea came to mind, he will need to go speak with the cleric after this and get a health check-up. He regrets making that deal just to win the Revolution.

He wondered if Cody and Kyra would be insulted by him for doing that, yet he knew that sacrifices were needed to gain their independence.

It's just that sometimes those sacrifices are to be paid in blood.


Cody was working on paperwork again. He might have been the Head Commissioner of the Department of Archives and Information but his office is a big mess.

Working as General-Secretary as well as Secretary of War. The invitation to join in the war in Europe was such a big debate among the citizens of their newly born country. He doesn't want to risk the country becoming unstable by joining the war could lead to rebellion.

Continuing his work on the documents, someone knocked on the door of his office.

"Come in,"

It was his wife, Jazmine. A bright smile face appeared on his face while she went next to him.

"Love, why are you here? I promise that I'll be back home by dinner," Cody said as she rolled her eyes playfully.

"Why? can't I check on my husband while he's working?" She said in a joking tone as he smiled at her.

"Okay okay, You won this round," He said while picking her up and twirling her around his office, before slowing down and hugging her.

"How are they?" He asked while he held her stomach from the back.

"They're just like their father... stubborn and a fighter," she said while he smiled and kissed her on the neck.

"They're going to be wonderful," he said while she smiled.

"Just imagine them running around this office and turning my office supplies into toys," he continued while she chuckled at his excitement.

"Just imagine them running in our home using their imagination and pushing it to their limits," she said while it was his turn to smile.

Before he could continue, the grandfather clock in his office chimed. They both look to see it was already three in the afternoon.

"I have to go love... The meeting will start at 3:30," he said while he kissed her on the cheek and prepared his things.

"I'll leave you to lock my office already," he said while he kissed her one more time and left the office.


She watched her husband leave before sighing to herself.

"I swear he needs to get a break soon,"

She quickly placed all the files he left in his office back on the bookshelf behind his desk and swept the floor a bit before going out.

She took the key and locked the office, she couldn't shake the feeling that she is being watched. It took all her willpower not to shout for the stalker to reveal themself as she knows she cannot fight in her condition.

She exited the building going through the cramped alleyways of Revilla before she hit a dead end.

"Jazmin Turner, former Emperor's Hand..." she sighed before turning to look back at the one who was following her.

"You're terrible at stalking for a loyalist spy," she said while the man could only give her a chilling laugh.

"We simply want you to join us," The man said while she could only roll her eyes.

"I'm not going to join your little club... so I recommend you leave me before I get the National Guard involved," she said before the man sighed.

"It's only a matter of time before you join us," he said before leaving her alone.


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