Chapter 18: Battle of Revilla

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___December 5, 1932___

The smell of gunpowder and smoke dominated his senses while he continued to use his binoculars to study the battlefield. They have dug in and built trenches to lay siege to the Capital City of Revilla while trying to garner support and reinforcements from the local militias surrounding the area. 

The regulars have attempted to break the siege line multiple times, some of those attempts made them feel pity for them, while others were nearly successful in breaking the line if it wasn't for the evasive maneuvers committed by Commander Lawrence. This is how they arrived at their position today, he needed to weaken his western and eastern flanks to strengthen the midpoint of their siege line, with multiple letters sent to Captain Zacharias and his and General Quins forces' strength draining away they needed something drastic that would change the tide of battle. 


A messenger arrived at the camp while artillery fire dominated the siege line. Within the camp, troops are cleaning their muskets while artillery troops are either cleaning or fixing their artillery. 

"Sir, a letter from Captain Zacharias," the messenger said as he waited outside the tent where Karl and Quins were strategizing their next move. 

"You may enter Captain," General Brooker said as the Captain entered and handed him the letter. Opening it, he started reading the letter while anger started to paint his expression. He then handed the letter to Quins as the man started to read it. 

"Tell Captain Zacharias that he is under my command. If he continues this insubordination, he will expect an immediate order of arrest," General Brooker said while the messenger just shook his head. 

"Sir, your letters were either lost or thrown away. Your messengers were either held there against their will or arrested without authorization," The Captain said as Brooker stroked his beard in deep thought. 

"Lieutenant Venator, prepare my horse!" Brooker shouted as the messenger and his fellow officers looked at him with shock. 

"What are you planning Brooker?" General Quins asked as Brooker looked at him. 

"We have no choice Quins... it's either we lose this battle and lose any chance of making our Declaration of Independence valid or we win this battle and guarantee a future where our children and our children's children don't need to fear war ever again," Brooker said as he turned to Connor. 

"Lawrence you'll accompany me," Brooker continued as Connor nodded and joined him. Lieutenant Ventor arrived with his horse, he took its reed and quickly got onto it. He signaled Lawrence to ride with him as he got onto the horse and sped off to Koppercos.  


"Someone's coming!" shouted a soldier while he rushed to organize the regiment, he tried his best as soldiers were either playing cards or drinking. Arriving at the camp, General Brooker and Commander Lawrence got down from the horse with anger and disappointment written on their faces. 

"Attention!" The Lieutenant said as Brooker and Lawrence inspected the camp. Instead of their muskets being handled with proper care, they were either scattered around the camp as well with the artillery rounds and gunpowder barrels being spread out to the point that if an ambush happened the enemy would dominate the battle. 

"Do any of you know our code?" Brooker asked as no one answered. 

"We are a proper military force people! We are to observe the code set by General Rivera and the Supreme Council," Brooker continued as he turned to the lieutenant who handled the regiment properly. 

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