Chapter 10: Trial

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______August 23, 1932______

The weather reflected the mood of the day as the soft pitter-patter of raindrops hit the ground. She could only watch as the Black Guard escorted her from the cell.

To her surprise, Cody was there, even Mey... She thought they were going to leave for the frontier and continue the fight against the British.

"I know you're surprised that I'm here, but I'm not gonna let them sentence you to death... The men will continue the fight for me," Cody said with a comforting smile.

They led the Black Guard, as she could only plead with Cody.

"Cody, you have to convince them... I'm innocent," Kyra said as they walked to the courthouse.

"The council remains firm on James' decision to allow the court process... No matter how many times I plead for them to show you mercy, they won't listen," Cody said as she could only give a frustrated sigh.

"Why is he like this? He sent me and those delegates to France... It was impossible for me to even send those letters..." To say her blood is boiling is a huge understatement, she was livid.

"Calm down..." Was all he could mutter as she glared at him. Feeling a bit uncomfortable he gave her a comforting smile to try to calm her down.

"Cody, the war council must know I'm innocent... Please I'm begging you just let me live another day... I want to see the birth of our nation... I want to settle down and have a family... I want to grow old with both of you," All he could see in her eyes were unshed tears. He sighed in frustration... not because of her but because of Ken Drick's decision. All he could do was try to make things better for her.

"I promise..." Is all he could mutter as she could smile at him. She would have hugged him if the chains weren't in her arms.

"Thank you," The smile on her face was all he could get as he gave a soft and comforting smile.

Yet that smile didn't last as he opened the doors that led to the War Council. A frown decorated his face as both Black and Presidential Guards lined the court.

Sitting ominously in front of them was Ken Drick and the War Council as they could only glare at her.


"Kyra Pillar Mutogil... General- Secretary of the Supreme Council, Founder of the Secret Society to Revolt against the British... Traitor to the revolution," She barely heard the last part as Cody and Mey stood by her.

"It was revealed to us that you have committed treason to the highest degree for revealing the plans of the Vichisburg campaign as well as the plans for the battle of Revilla... What do you have to say to all the charges that have been placed on you?" Ken Drick continued... She could only glare at him.

"I am innocent of all the charges that have been placed against me," She answered in a stern and determined tone. Her bold answer surprised the council.

"Does the War Council have any remarks?" Ken Drick asked with a neutral tone, silently hoping that it was not true.

"We have no remarks your excellency," One of the judges answered as he nodded and proceeded with trial.


The weather started to get worse as Cody and Mey could only watch the trial continue. Kyra's answers ring the truth as both she and the council seem to come to a stalemate.

"Where were you from February 23 to July 23 of this year?" One of the judges asked as Kyra could only glare at him.

"I was sent to France by the order of President Winchester. To gain allies in fighting this war," Kyra answered in a bold tone as the judge could only glare at her.

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