Chapter 25: Cabinet Battle

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___July 20th, 1933___

It's been a while since Cody and Ken Drick had a good chat but today isn't one of those days that will grant them that pleasure.

Cody entered the office where Ken Drick was sitting on the stand at the other side. He noticed someone he thought took the last ship going back to the Empire.

"Dwayne Newhiskey," Cody said with a fake smile as he took his hand out of his pocket and offered the man a handshake.

Looking at him, Dwayne rolled his eyes and didn't take the friendly gesture. His smile turned into a passive frown as he quickly went to his seat.

"The issue on the table, Britain, and France are asking us to help them in the conflict against Germany and Austrian-Hungarian Colonies in the North Pacific. Do we provide aids and troops to both our former enemy and French allies or do we stay out of it?" Ken Drick said, pointing to the map of Asia on the table.

"Remember my decision on this matter does not subject to congressional approval, The only person you have to convince is me," Ken Drick continued while placing his hand on himself with a smirk.

He is interested in what his secretaries have to offer especially Cody and Dwayne.

"Secretary Newhiskey, you may have the stand, sir."

"When we were on death's door, when we were needy, who provided the funds and guns and a chance to stand up against the British."

"France" Another secretary stated.

"In return, they didn't ask for money or land. Just a promise that we will take a stand along with them in their time of need.
It's time that we stand with our French Brothers, in this war.

But Secretary Rivera doesn't understand the meaning of loyalty and freedom, and dresses up as false royalty but is penniless."

Ken Drick and the other secretaries gave a confused look toward Dwayne. Cody is indeed close to penniless but he knows that he is using his old attire before the Revolution. So it ain't royalty.

"So if you don't know, sir now you know," Dwayne said with a smug tone.

"Thank you Secretary Newhiskey, Secretary Rivera, your remarks." Ken Drick said in a neutral tone.

"You have to be out of your Goddamn mind if you think the president is gonna declare war. A game of chess where France is both King and Queenless, If we depend on the British we could help defeat those colonies but do we want to risk our citizens going against us. The threat of bankruptcy is prevalent if we go into another war."

"Enough, Secretary Rivera is right."

"Mister President"

"We are too fragile to start another fight."

"But sir don't we fight for freedom because of our treaty to the British,"

"They could wait for us to declare that we are under a statement of neutrality."

"Secretary Rivera, draft the statement of neutrality."

"Yes sir,"

As Ken Drick and the other Secretaries left the office. Only Cody and Dwayne were left there. Cody was only minding his own business until Dwayne smacked Cody hard on the ankle with his cane.

Cody drops to his knees as his ankle gave out support. Dwayne placed the cane on his ankle and pressed it hard on him.

"Don't you have an ounce of regret?"

"We signed a treaty to Britain to help them in their time of need."

"The British and French could handle this war for a while, We are to- ahhhhh" Cody shouted as Dwayne continued pushing his with more force until they both heard a crack.

His ankle broke.

Dwayne smiled as he exits the office.

"Dwayne come back here you goddamn coward," Cody shouted as he leans on the table for support. Desperate to see his wife and children, he took his briefcase and grabbed a stick under his desk, and stumbled his way outside of the meeting room.

A few officials were looking at him weirdly Cody shrugged it off as he reached the exit.

It would be a long way home.


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