Chapter 2: Outbreak of Revolution

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In the dark streets of Revilla, British regulars raided the houses of Secret Society Members.

"Sir, please we're innocent!" a Secret Society member cried out when he was hit by the butt of the gun.

The cries of his family were heard as he was dragged out to the street to an unknown fate.

The next morning, Cody was running towards the Main headquarters. Once he was inside he quickly went into Ken Drick's office.

"James we have a problem!" Cody said as he gave the newspaper to him.

Ken Drick looked at him with a questioning look and toom the newspaper.

"𝚂𝚎𝚌𝚛𝚎𝚝 𝚂𝚘𝚌𝚒𝚎𝚝𝚢 𝚑𝚊𝚜 𝚋𝚎𝚎𝚗 𝚍𝚒𝚜𝚌𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚍,
21 𝚖𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝚍𝚒𝚜𝚌𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚍 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚎𝚡𝚎𝚌𝚞𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚘𝚗 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚂𝚙𝚘𝚝."

"How were we discovered?" Disbelief painted his face as he knew it was close to impossible for their discovery.

"We have a traitor among our ranks because it's close to impossible that we could have been discovered," Cody said as he thought about it. The traitor is clever by keeping his name secret.

It would take a long time for the high command to find him, due to the many established Secret Society chapters.

"Alright here, I'll meet you along with Kyra at Jacoba. I need you to round up all the Secret Society chapters over there," Ken Drick nodded and turned to the side grabbing something from his desk.

He gave the letters to Cody. He nodded and exited the office.

"See you on the flip side, old friend," Cody said as Ken Drick nodded and continued fixing his suitcase.

3 Hours Later
Road to Kagrapan

Cody was on his horse riding to Kagrapan. The last letter he needed to send is to Kagrapan, while on his way he fell a bit into a snooze.

"No please stop she's innocent!"

A blade was shoved into his shoulder.

He screamed as much as he could hoping that someone would hear his cry for help.


Cody woke up as he arrived at Kagrapan. The dreams of a reality that might or might not happen to haunt him.

Kagrapan is a small city to the east of Revilla, Cody looked with horror as he saw the British checking people coming in and out of the city.

Cody came up to the blockade and the British Guard halted him.

"Halt Citizen state your Business!"

"Meeting with my family, sir."

"Identification papers Please."

Cody took out his papers and give them to the British Guard.

The Guard took it and read the details.

Cody Henry Luis C. Rivera
Born: January 18, 1898
Occupation: Head Commissioner of the Department of Archives and Information

The British Guard saw this and quickly gave the Identification papers back to Cody.

"Sorry for the disrespect Head Commissioner."

Cody nodded and went through the blockade.

As he arrived at the Kagrapan chapter. He went inside the Cafe. He saw a young man and a member of the Secret Society talking to each other.

"Commander Joshua, what is the meaning of this?" Cody said in a stern yet calm tone.

"Sir, um... This young man is asking to join the Secret Society."

"So why not let him join?"

"Sir, I am concerned about his safety."

"Don't worry Commander Joshua, He is now under my care."

The boy looked up at Joshua with hope.

"Okay, He is welcomed to the Secret Society."

"What is your name?"

"Mey Bracodo, sir"

"History has its eyes on you kid. I know you will do something great in the future."

Cody nodded and looked toward Joshua. Giving a letter to Joshua.

"Meet up at Jacoba. All members are called for an Emergency meeting. Bring your Identification papers, a Revolution is coming."

Joshua nodded and looked at Mey.

Joshua nodded toward his nephew. He whispered in Mey's ear.

"Be safe my nephew and always remember that your family loves you."

As they said their goodbyes. Mey joined Cody to go to Jacoba.

On their way to Jacoba, Mey tugged Cody's polo.

"Sir, why did you stand up for me? I know that I wanted to join but I'm afraid that I might fail my family."

Cody looked at Mey.

"Mey, You remind me of you when I was younger. I believed that change could happen at such a young age. You need to chase what you believe to make it come true because if you just wait for everything to come to you that will not bring you anywhere. So try to lighten up and always remember, History always has its eyes on you."

Mey nodded as he thought about what Cody said.

A few hours later

They arrived at Jacoba.

Cody got out of the caravan with Mey.
They were in front of the house of Kyra. They entered it and saw Kyra and Ken Drick talking to each other.

Cody knocked on the wooden frame.

They both looked at him.

"Why is there a teenager with you Cody?"Ken Drick asked as he looked at Mey with a raised eyebrow.

"He wanted to join the Secret Society" Cody answered.

"But seriously a kid?"Kyra said as she looked at Cody with wonder.

"We were like this remember. That is why we joined La-Ligal in the first place."

"Alright, I trust your Judgement, Cody." Ken Drick said as he gets out of the chair and took his trench coat from the rack.

as Ken Drick went outside with Cody, Mey, and Kyra. A large gathering of Secret Society members was gathered with their respective chapter leaders.

"Bring out your Identification papers!"

Everyone brought it out. Ken Drick shows the piece of paper.

"Our Freedom will not be shown through these Papers. Our papers don't define us because we are people who sleep and breathe and we will fight until the country is liberated from the British. I proclaim the birth of the Republic of The islands of St. Lawrence!

Tear your Papers!"

Everyone tore it and threw it on the ground. Cody cheered three Sentences, the members join him.

"Long Live the Revolution!"

"Long live the Revolution!"

"Long live the Secret Society!"

"Long live the Secret Society!"

"Long Live the President!"

"Long Live the President!"

They cheered as the hope of independence went through their ranks.


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