TF2 - #3

191 7 0

Word Count : 1265

Warning : References to torture

Grian - Pyro (Previous) 
Scar - Soldier (Secondary) 
Stress - Sniper (Secondary) 

False - Heavy (Previous) 
Wels - Medic (Secondary) 
Bdubs - Engie (Secondary) 

Tango - Engie (Previous) 
Cleo - Medic (Secondary) 
Hypno - Demo (Secondary) 

Iskall - Sniper (Previous) 
iJevin - Scout (Secondary) 
Ren - Sniper (Secondary) 

TFC - Medic (Secondary) 
Vintage - Pyro (Secondary) 
xBCrafted - Demo (Secondary) 

Mumbo - Spy (Previous) 
Impulse - Scout (Secondary) 
Biffa - Soldier (Previous) 

Doc - Demo (Previous) 
Cub - Engie (Secondary) 
Xisuma - Heavy (Previous) 

Joe - Soldier (Secondary) 
Zedaph - Pyro (Previous) 
Keralis - Scout (Secondary) 

Ethos - Engie (Secondary) 
Jessassin - Soldier (Secondary) 
Python - Demo (Previous) 


After everyone was done eating breakfast and the kitchen and living room were all picked up, everyone made quick trips to grab their weapons and gear for a mission that they would get paid for.

Everyone scrambled from their rooms, to the supply cabinet to outside where they would wait in their spawn room for further instructions.

Just approaching the spawn room they had; Grian could hear someone shouting at a bunch of the mercenaries, commanding them with orders and such and telling them to be faster.

"Come on now! I'm not paying anyone to stand around!" The man ordered, standing on a bunch of wooden crates.

Grian watched as some of the mercs grumbled in annoyance but didn't speak up. "Must be because they wanna get paid." Grian concluded, quickly moving out of the way so he wasn't an obstacle.

The man on the wooden crates counted the room, standing impatiently. "Where are the rest of you?"

One of the heavy weapon class, TFC, spoke up. "They'll be here any minute now; this mission did just come in."

Finally the person did one last headcount. "You're missing a medic and an engineer, where are they?" As soon as the words fell out of the man's mouth, Mumbo ran in, carrying a metal container over his shoulder.

XisumaVoid came sprinting in, accidently bumping into Mumbo from not looking where he was going.

Mumbo fell forwards, dropping the metal container. The container tumbled to the floor as the engie winced, pushing himself up again.

The man on the crates, Julien McHoland looked annoyed. "Oh come on! I hired you all as professionals, not as children running into each other!"

Mumbo got up on his knees, quickly grabbing the container by its handle and setting it up right again.

Xisuma pulled out his medigun and placed the healing beam on the crouched down Engineer.

Grian watched as the engie's eyes widened slightly as he turned to the medic, giving a slight smile. "Thanks X."

Julien cleared his throat. "Now that you all are finally here-" he started. Eyes turned back to him. "-Your mission is to push a Payload bomb to an enemy warehouse that's currently in the way of future plans."

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