Sadly :(

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Hey guys I just wanted to say that I'm very grateful for all the reads, votes, and support for my works. It makes me happy to see that people like my writing even thought I don't think it's good lol. My BTS Imagines are sadly coming to an end soon so I can start a new Imagine Book, the group idk yet, and also finish my other works. If you have requested and it hasn't been put up please comment your name or Y/N, member and genre below so I can add it to the waiting list. Please don't add your request if you didn't already request earlier, that will put too much work on me since I'm already trying to finish up. Once again thank you and I love all of you guys. When my new book is up I will let you all know under my BTS Imagines and also when requests are open.


-Jinn Jinn

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