Chapter 50

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Forsythe's death had put a lot into perspective for FP the past few weeks. It had allowed him to see what was important in life and what he wanted out of it from then on.

He awoke that morning to Alice playing with Charlie and Hot Dog in the corner of the room. The tot seemed quiet content driving his trucks up and down Hot Dog's stomach and Alice's bare legs, which FP found about able as he quietly observed them from the head rest.

He hadn't gotten his fathers subtle message out of his head ever since he came across the ring he'd left behind. It had run through his mind ever since, going back and forth on what to do and when to do it. He had played it off for a few weeks, but in that moment, seeing his family seemingly at peace, quietly and calmly enjoying themselves on this fine moment, he finally made his decision.

He's pulled out of his trance as Charlie happily toddles over to the bed with his truck in hand, handing it to his father.

"Is that for me?" FP gasps, feigning excitement to please the tot before he lifts him up into the air.

"So, we're ditching again?" Alice questions as she tilts her head to the side, resting it into the palm of her hand. They had been cutting school for two days in row so far.

"You really in the mood to go to school anyway?" FP asked rhetorically as he lofted Charlie into the air. "Besides it's ditch day, nobody turns up, remember."

"Oh, yeah." She remembered as she furrowed her brows and her lips curled up into a smile. Given the eventful few weeks they had had, senior ditch day had totally slipped her mind. "Good point."

She uncrossed her pale long legs and stood from the ground, strolling over to the bed and sitting down next to him, leaning into his side and smiling as he bounced a very giggling Charles up and down.

"You can get the first shower if you want babe." Alice kindly offers, taking Charlie out of his arms and kissing his little cheeks.

But he doesn't quite hear her offer, he just remains quiet, gazing lovingly at her and their toddler son as she places him in his playpen.

As she turned around, she noticed the calming grin on his face as he relaxed into headrest.

"And what are you staring at?" She jokingly add, placing her hand on her slim hip as she tilts her head.

He confidently stood, taking her soft hand in his own and pulling her down onto the bed with him with a mischevious smirk upon his face. She rolled onto him, giggling as he hugged her waist from underneath before rolling her over onto her back.

"What are you doing?" She giggles, wrapping her arms around his neck as he stares into her soft sapphire eyes, the very eyes that had rendered him weak the minute he first saw her, completely mesmorised by her overall beauty.

"Marry me." He croaks out, finally dropping the bombshell, his face softening as he gazed into her innocent crystal blue orbs.

"What?!" She gasped in laughter before jokingly hitting his chest. "You're so crazy."

"No, I'm a man, in love, with an amazing and beautiful woman, the mother of my son." FP responds sternly as his lust filled longing facial expression did not change one bit, causing Alice's laughter to subside and her humoured smile to slowly fade as bewilderment and shock crossed her features.

"You're serious?"

"I am." He confirms with conviction, pulling her waist closer towards him before reaching his hand up to stroke her porcelain cheek. "Alice, I've known and loved you most of my life, and I've been in love with you since we were 15, you've always been everything to me, a fiend, a confidant and lover, the night I truly saw you for the amazing girl you are, that night of your serpent initiation. I couldn't take my eyes off you, I knew you were something special. It was those big blue eyes and that gorgeous smile you showed me when you noticed me glaring at you, that's what got me. Every time I pictured my future, you were in it, as my wife, the mother of my kids, it was always you I pictured in that position."

Alice's grip remained on his shoulders as he continued his beautiful declaration of a proposal. Her lips parted as her breathed hitched in her throat, remaining speechless as her ocean blue eyes sparkled down onto him in slight shock.

"I want to wake up every day to your gorgeous face, I want us to live the white Pickett fence dream on the northside, I want us to have a whole bunch of kids, I want us to grow old together, I want to spend the rest of my life making you happy, being your rock and being the man you deserve, being your everything, because you alice Smith, are my everything, and you always have been. So what do you say?"

He reached over into his bedside table, pulling out his mothers ring and holding it between his thumb and forefinger towards her face. "Will you make me the happiest man alive, by agreeing to let me make you the happiest woman alive? Will you be my wife?"

Alice released a shaky trembling breath she hadn't realised she'd been holding before glaring down at the piece of jewellery he held in his hand.

This was an entire lot for her to process, but after truly digesting his prior words, her final decision came easy. She couldn't picture her life without FP, he was everything to her, her soulmate and life companion and so much more, and thinking back to a time where she wanted nothing to do with him now seemed preposterous. FP Jones was the love of her life, and she was more than okay with making that official.

"Yes!" She says excitedly in a hoarse voice, absentmindedly gazing down at the ring.

"Yeah?" FP repeatedly with a grin.

"Yes, I'll fucking marry you!" She squeals before wrapping her arms around his neck, laughing in celebration as they fell back into the sheets.

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