Chapter 38

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The night of their senior Homecoming has finally arrived but FP was anything but excited about the event.

Alice has recently told him about the argument she had had with Hal recently and he of course didn't necessarily take it too well. It was all he wanted to talk about while they were getting ready for the night.

"You should've told me what he did sooner baby." FP argued as he wrapped his toe around his and looked in the mirror.

She sat on the bed in her robe with Charlie clutches to her chest, feeding him a bottle. "And this is exactly why I didn't tell you sooner because I knew you'd react like this." She expressed frustratedly.

She appreciated his concern for her but she knew he always took it a little far at times.

She say Charlie up on her lap as she finished feeding him and began to rub his back to prepare to wind him.

"I had a right to know Alice." He argues as he finishes tying his bow tie.

She stood up from the bed and adjusted Charlie in her arms as she walked over to him, resting her hand on his shoulder and holding Charlie in the other as she looked at him in the mirror.

"I handled it, you don't need to worry. Hal is nothing to me. Just some insecure loser who I stupidly thought could offer me more out of life and boy was I wrong." She answered.

She snakes her hand up to his neck, softly stroking the sides. "You and Charlie are all I need in life."

He grips his hands on her waist and pulls her into him with a seductive smirk. "So, are you gonna show me your dress or what?"

She grins and hands him Charlie and saunters over to her closet. "Just you wait and see." She tells him before opening the closet door and stepping inside.

Around two minutes later, she steps out, revealing a neck off shoulder dark blue silk dress that accentuated her figure and best assets, which FP naturally found very pleasing.

He stood there with his mouth agape and his eyes gleaming with satisfaction, completely spellbound by her beauty, which was amplified even more as she released the elastic band from her hair and allowed her curly blonde tresses to fall down over her shoulder.

"Well? What do you think?" She asked suggestively as she leaned against the closet door.

His face was gleaming with happiness as he stepped towards her, placing his hand on her waist as she rested hers upon his shoulders. "I think, tonight is going to be a very, epic night." He revealed before lowering his lips to hers and the two shared a soft kiss.

Once they felt their outfits were complete, they gathered up Charlie's things, left him with a babysitter and made their way to Riverdale High. Tonight was going to be a night they'd never forget.

They planned on making a legendary power couple entrance hand in hand, and as they did, walking through the gymnasium with the students in conversation and the DJ's music blaring, they got just the reaction they wanted, everybody with their eyes on them. They knew they were the hottest couple at that school and they weren't afraid to hide it.

"Who is this dashing pairing? I don't think I've seen them before." Hermione jokes as she approaches the two of them with her arm linked to Fred's.

"Yeah, this one kinda looks like my dorky friend Forsythe, if he scrubbed up well that is." Fred added, earning a light shove from FP.

"We can say the same for you two." Alice acknowledged before pulling her arms out to hug her best friend. "You look amazing." Alice gushes as she admires the long black fishtail maxi dress Hermione wore.

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