Chapter 23

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"Orders up!" Alice heard from behind her. The yelling from her colleague Natalie had snapped her out of her daydream.

She liked working at Pops but boy could the night shifts be boring, and if not boring, irritating, especially with unwanted guests hanging around the diner like they didn't have homes to go to.

She was tasked with the honour of serving and waiting on Mustang, Tall Boy and the rest of their braindead crew for the night, and besides being unpleasant customers they had been pretty much harassing her all night.

She reluctantly grabbed their orders, wanting desperately to spit in them but knowing it was the furthest thing from professional, and slowly walked towards their table, narrowing her eyes at the four men as they became loud and belligerent.

She stopped as she approached  them and slowly lowered their orders onto the table, not caring about what meal belonged to who, she was more concerned about Mustang checking her out and thinking she didn't notice.

"Something else, Tall boy?" She said through gritted teeth as she acknowledged his staring.

He looked her up and down, with a wide smirk on his face.

"Nah baby, expect maybe your number of course." He said smugly before his eyes landed on her chest area.

"Keep looking at my tits and you'll be wearing that milkshake." She warmed before storming off, hearing the men's cheers of shock to her response.

She walked back to the counter and  slams her notepad and pen onto the table. Her moment is interrupted by the bell ringing, indicating a new customer and sees Hermione walk in with a wide smile on her face, until she lays eyes on Alice.

"Hey, you look rough. Everything okay?" The raven haired girl asked as she walked towards the counter.

Alice smiles back, appreciating her concern and then turned towards the serpent crew near the back of the diner.

"Don't worry about me, I'm fine. Just a few assholes, nothing I can't handle. What are you so chirpy about?" She asks as she rests her elbow on the counter and leans her head in her hand.

"Well, I was deliberating on whether or not to say anything but, Fred asked me out." Hermione practically whispers excitedly.

Alice's mouth drops in excitement before she grabs her new friends hand to squeeze. "Shit! That's great."

"There is a but though." Hermione explains, dying down her excitement a little.

"A but? What do you mean a but?" Alice questions. "He likes you, you like him? What's the problem?"

"I said I'd think about it." Hermione admitted before covering her face in shame.

"What's there to think about?!" Alice asked

"It's just-" Hermione continues before taking a deep sigh

"Just what?"

"It's the first time anybody's asked me out." Hermione admits

"Seriously?" Alice asks in shock. It came as a surprise to her seeing as Hermione was a pretty girl.

"Yeah. And I'm scared of jumping into something that's already going to fast or that I'll screw things up." Hermione explains

"Well that's understandable." Alice responds.

"Why don't you come with us?" Hermione suggests.

"What? No, that's weird." Alice argues.

"Not just you! FP too. Like a double date. Find a baby sitter for Charlie and come to the drive in with us on Saturday night."

"Well since you're desperate, I'll oblige. Hey it might be fun too, I've never double dated." Alice says with a smile

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