Chapter 27

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August had finally come by, summer was coming to a close and Alice couldn't have been in a more chaotic and stressed state.

Her behaviour had been getting worse, she had been getting more reckless, she had been working less or not bothering to show up at all and palming Charlie off on anyone and everyone she could.

It was almost like she had given up on being a parent.

Things between her and FP weren't much better either. They had been struggling to make ends meet, keep up their social activities and had been arguing about the most frivolous topics.

It almost always lead to FP leaving the trailer in a strop and getting drunk at the Wyrm and leaving Charlie in her care. Not even living together was working out for them, and with Alice having nowhere else to go it worried her to no end.

She woke up first that morning, leaning over FP's body to peek into Charlie's crib. The tot was sound asleep, which she was was relieved about. His sleeping pattern had been all over the place recently.

She looked back towards FP. He was fast asleep on his side. He lay there shirtless and she stares down at his serpent tattoo on his rib.

He was so sexy in him slumber she thought. She lightly stroked his arm up and down before leaning down to kiss his bicep, hoping it would wake him up.

They had been so distant towards each other lately between all the fights and stress and she missed their intimacy. They had always been a close and passionate pairing but at the moment they practically felt like strangers.

She continued to lay kisses down on his arm before his eyes fluttered open slowly and he shifted them towards her.

His eyes were definitely one of her favourite features of his. The way those chocolate brown orbs would stare deep into her soul like she was was the only girl in the world, no other feeling could compare.

She smiled before speaking. "Good morning." She whispered as she continued to lightly run her fingers along his bicep.

"Hey." He responded in a soft voice.

She moved her hands up to his face, lightly stroking his cheek as the sunlight hit them both.

She tilted his head towards her and pulled him in for a kiss, deepening it when he rolled over and moved her loose blonde curls over her shoulder. He moved his hands down to her waist, pulling her into him and deepening their kiss further and dancing their tongues around as she rested her leg over his.

"I miss this." She says after coming back up for breath.

He didn't respond. He just stares deeper into her ocean blue eyes, seeing the sincerity in what she was saying as he ran his hand around her waist.

"What happened to us?" She announces as she glares past him.

He sighs as what she says really hits. He loves Alice dearly and the thought of them drifting apart kills him slowly. He couldn't imagine life without her and he'd never felt this way about a girl before

The 7 months they had split up for was without a doubt the worst period of his life and he swore if he ever got her back he'd cherish her to no end and spend his days making her happy and being the man she deserves, but it's true what they say about babies changing everything. Not that he didn't love Charlie to pieces but he could deny that things had definitely shifted differently between he and Alice since he was born.

"Life. I guess." He sighs, not really knowing how to answer the question

She thinks it over for a second. She knows what he's saying is right and she knows she has to do something for them to get back in a good place.

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