Chapter 16

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Traffic issues was never a serious matter in Riverdale, with it practically being in the middle of nowhere but with a collapsed tree on the main road that lead to Riverdale high, the trio were unfortunately late for school. The minute they entered the building the three of them rushed to classes, given they had missed morning registration. FP and Fred to wood shop and Alice to PE, which for obvious reasons, she hated with a passion. She had been trying to find a way out of it for days, figured giving birth would be a decent enough excuse to sit out but of course luck hadn't been on her side and her cow of a PE teacher demanded she participate in class.

Today's activity: Dodgeball. And she was excited to jump at the chance to hit Penelope or any other Vixen in the face with a ball. She strolled into the changing rooms almost feeling bound and keeping her eyes off of anybody else, she didn't want to make conversation with anybody. She finds a space in the far corner next to the schools resident female Heathers like duo, Sierra Samuels and Mary Maiden, except they're actually nice and kind hearted. Unlike the elite of girls at Riverdale high in her year group, both girls stayed out of drama and kept themselves to themselves.

Alice rested her bag on the hanger above the rack and began to undress herself, still feeling a little conscious about her body after giving birth she tried to cover herself up as much as she could. She thought everything was going smoothly, until she heard remarks about a tiger for Penelope, and immediately knew she was referring to her. She was about to walk over and give Penelope a piece of her mind until she was stopped by Mary grabbing her hand.

"Violence doesn't solve anything." She said to Alice sternly.

"Yeah, just let it go. She's looking a for a reaction from you, don't give her the satisfaction." Sierra informed her. Deep down, Alice knew they were both right but she couldn't hold down the urge to smack Penelope right across her face, the only thing stopping her from doing so is the thought of being put in extra detention again.

"Well it's easy for you both to say. You're not the ones on the receiving end of her bullshit day in day out." Alice answered

The two girls glanced at each other, knowing Alice had a point.

"I suppose you've got a point, but why stoop to her level? You're better than her, she's nothing more than vapid bitch who will graduate with no friends, no honours and no future and one day she's gonna wake up and wonder where all those years went." Sierra told her, earning a slight giggle in the process. It was true, Penelope really was one of life's losers who peak in high school and live lame and boring lives in the future.

"So, how painful was it?" Mary interrupts trying to steer the conversation.

"What?" Alice questions

"Giving birth?" Mary questioned

"Mary!" Sierra practically yelled.

"What? I'm just curious." She said innocently.

"Well yeah, much worse than I thought, but it was all worth it in the end." She smiled as she thought about Charlie's little face and the first time she saw him.

"Awww." The girls both swooned. "What's his name?" Sierra asked.

"Charles, after my grandpa but we call him Charlie." Alice explains.

"I bet he's adorable." Mary says.

"He is, the cutest baby ever." She gloats.

The girls insist on Alice hanging with them during PE class and from that moment forward, she had a relatively normal day. The same couldn't be said for FP though.

Football practice had totally kicked his ass and he was exhausted. He rushed instantly to the showers and tried to scrub the sweat and dirt off of him before he went home. The locker room was piling up with boys from the football team, yelling and cursing over God knows what. FP usually never paid attention to their discussions, he hated most of the guys on the squad, especially, Hal, Marty and Hiram, but the conversation he overheard he just couldn't ignore.

"I just don't understand how you could let a good piece of pussy like that get away so easily." Marty expressed.

"I don't care how hot a girl is, if she's got a kid I'm staying well clear." Hiram responded

"I didn't let her get away, the bitch left me, for that Southside scum. Even after everything I did for her, that's the thanks I get?!" Hal gritted through his teeth as he slammed his locker door.

"You didn't even get to hit it once?!"

"What the fuck Marty! Shut your damn mouth!" Fred practically shrieked in disgust as he came from around the corner.

"Shit, she's already dropped a kid, so we know she's easy, probably spread her legs for anybody, you think I got a chance?" Marty rhetorically asked earning a laugh from Hal.

FP switched his shower head off, grabbed his towel and stormed out of the showers, coming face to face with the boys, who all stopped their conversation and "What the fuck did you just say?!"

"Oh look, here's the baby daddy!" Marty cheered. "Look, I was just saying-"

"Saying what jackass?! Keep running your mouth it's gonna meet my fist." FP warned before walking away. "And that applies to rest of you assholes."

"If Alice gets as pissy as that in the bedroom, I might be in for a real treat." Marty mumbled. And that was the final straw for FP as he immediately looked back and swung for Marty, his right hook hitting him directly in the mouth.

"FP STOP!" Fred begged as he attempted to pull him off Marty, but he was unsuccessful. FP had managed to push him onto the ground and began pummelling his face, Marty managed to get a blow in when FP was distracted, hitting him right in his eye and giving him a bright shiner. Coach Carson came running through and immediately separated the two.

"Everybody back up! MANTLE! JONES! STAND OVER THERE! NOW!" Carson said as he practically pushed the boys apart. That stint had dire repercussions and lead to FP and Marty being benched for Friday's game, obviously pissing him off.


"You're lucky Mantle's not pressing charges." She mimicked before sitting on his lap in their room and began to clean him up. He had a bruise and pretty deep scratch around his cheek, but nothing compared to what he had done to Marty.

He held onto her hips and smiled up at her before laughing a little.

"He's lucky coach Carson jumped in when he did or Mantle would be missing his teeth right about now."

"What did he even say to provoke you" Alice questioned

"Nothing, don't worry about it," He says rubbing her thighs

"Something!" She counterattacked. "I can tell when you're lying."

FP sighed before he began. "Look, he was just, talking about sleeping with you and getting you into bed and how easy you were, because you were pregnant." He explains softly as he rubs her hands.

"Well fuck him! I wouldn't touch him with a 10ft pole, not even if he was the last man on earth." Alice argued. "Fighting doesn't solve anything babe."

"You punched Penelope yesterday."

"That was different!" She argued


"She had it coming."

"And so did Mantle."

"You know what this conversation is over" She said getting up off his lap and going to Charlie's crib. She picked the infant up and placed him on the bed and began to get him dressed. "Can you pass me that onesie?"

He passed her the onesie and then crawled to the end of the bed and grabbed Charlie's little face, stroking his cheek and cooing at him as Alice dressed the little boy.

"I know you're probably pissed at me and I shouldn't have reacted the way I did, even though Mantle had it coming, but I just couldn't let him get away with saying that crap. I just wanted to stick up for you, who else have you got besides me to do so?" He questioned as he stroked her cheek. She rubbed her hand across his knuckles and brought them to her lips, placing a soft kiss on them.

"I know, and I love you for that so much." She says softly.

"I know baby, and I love you too, so much more." 

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