Chapter 17

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A/N: Good morning all, or evening or afternoon depending on what part of the world you live in. I had been deliberating since yesterday evening on whether or not say anything here or to complete the chapter I was working on, as continuing to post content as normal just didn't feel right to me but in the end I decided I might as well seeing as I was close to completing this chapter yesterday before everything happened.

That being said, I am truly heartbroken and devastated at the news of Luke's passing. I'm keeping his family and friends and loved ones in my thoughts because I can't even imagine what they are going through right now. As hours go by I'm learning more from others about the selfless and kind hearted man he was which is making everything harder. I know with time things will get better and with all that said, I think we as a fandom should take a second to treasure and appreciate the amazing cast as a whole and be kind to one another because life is just too short and you never know what could happen tomorrow. Keep Luke's family in your thoughts and prayers and continue to practice kindness and peace to each other, if there's one time we need to come together as a peaceful and harmonious collective it's now. RIP Luke Perry ❤️ Gone but never forgotten.


FP and Alice pulled up onto Elm Street outside of Fred's house later that evening. Charlie was wide awake in his car seat flailing his little fists. FP park the truck into the open space outside the Andrews household and noticed Fred opening his front door. He stood on the porch and waved towards his two friends.

"Wow, he's keen." Alice pointed out as she undid her seatbelt and prepared to do the same with Charlie's car seat.

"He's just excited to have us round, it's been a while since we've all been together, like the old times." FP answered as he too unbuckled his belt. He grabbed Charlie's seat and exited the vehicle along with Alice and walked up towards the Andrews porch.

"Hey, you guys made it!" Fred greeted excitedly.

"Well we couldn't resist free food, especially if it's your Mom's cooking." FP informs him as they both step over the threshold. The sound of Mrs Andrews humming could be heard by the three of them as she approached the hallway from the kitchen.

"Fred dear? Help me with peeling these carrots please?" She asked of her son as she walked through with her apron on. She immediately noticed FP and Alice stood in the hallway next to him and smiled instantly when her eyes landed on them.

She pulls out her arms ready to greet and welcome them properly. "FP, Alice! Glad you could make it!

Helen Andrews was pretty much considered the perfect wife and mother to Riverdale's standards. One of the sweetest women you could ever meet, helpful, supportive, loving, kind, charitable and an amazing cook. She was the kind of mother FP and Alice could only dream of having, along with their dreams of living perfectly happy and normal lives in nice houses behind white Pickett fences on the oh so great North side of town instead of their reality of parents who couldn't care less and surviving below the poverty line in cold and damp trailers on the side of town nobody dares entering by choice,

"Hey Mrs Andrews, thank you for inviting us." Alice said politely as she removed her jacket and handed it to Fred to hang up.

"It's no problem at all. I haven't seen the two of you in while so I thought it would be a nice idea to catch up, but Freddie suggested it really."

"Well we appreciate it. It's been a while since." FP answered.

"Well come into the living room you two! Dinner should be ready soon." Helen informed them. They stepped into the living room and sat down on the couch, placing Charlie in between them and Fred sat in the arm chair opposite them all.

"So where's Mr Andrews?" Alice asks

"He's working late. A new development in that homeless shelter he's building in Sodale." Helen explains. "So this is the little one then?" She asks gesturing to Charlie.

"Yep, this is him." FP answers

"Well isn't he just precious." Helen cooed. It had been a while since she'd seen a new born.

"Do you wanna hold him?" FP asked.

"I'd love to." Helen practically squealed. FP lifted Charlie out of his car seat along with the blanket wrapped around him and passed him over to Helen. She cuddled him to her chest and practically oogled at him.

"I remember when Freddy here was this tiny, how have things been?"

"Well, we get through it but I'm not gonna lie, things can get a little too much to handle with school and everything. I'm just glad Senior's around to help when he can." Alice explains

"Well what about your mother dear?" Helen questions

FP, Fred and Alice all share a glance towards each other knowing this conversation could get awkward.

"I should get started on those carrots." Fred said as he got up, glad he had an excuse to leave the room.

FP got up and followed him "Yeah I'll help too." Not because he wanted to avoid the conversation but he wanted to be a decent house guest.

"I....don't live with my mother anymore." Alice answered nervously.

"Oh no, what happened?" Helen asks, sounding genuinely concerned.

"Things just haven't worked out with us for a while, it was best I moved in with FP, plus better for Charlie, you know, having both parents un the same roof."

"I completely understand. Listen, if you ever need anything don't hesitate to ask me." Helen kindly offered.

"Of course. Thank you Helen." Alice finished.

Meanwhile un the kitchen, FP and Fred were having their own discussion relating to the days earlier events.

"Surprised you still came, especially after what happened earlier." Fred said to him in reference to the fight he his best friend had with Marty Mantle.

"Yeah well Ali and I just wanted a normal night, and something to distract me from getting pissed at the fact I've been benched for Friday's game."

"You can't give into them man. It's what they want. Today it was being benched, next time it could be suspension. Don't fuck up your future for that asshole, Cooper either. You've kid a to think about now." Fred advices

"I know, and, I don't say it often but you're right." FP admits. "Fighting at school won't solve anything." Suddenly, a stroke of genius hits him. "Actually, maybe there's a way to put him in his place without violence and off school ground after all."

Fred pauses from carrot chopping and looks up at his best friend and the wide smug he has across his face. "Oh God, you got that look in your eye, what are you thinking?"

He puts the knife down and steps closer to Fred. "Wait and see Freddy boy, wait and see!" he says as he taps his cheek. They're interrupted by the sound of a timer going off and Helen entering the kitchen.

"Boys could you help me bring the bowls out to the table please?" She asked them both. They held their hands out and took the bowls and trays of food she had prepared and brought them all out into the dining room, ready to enjoy the rest of their evening.  

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