Chapter 34

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Make out sessions in the corridor before class we're almost a tradition for FP and Alice.

He had her leaned up against her locker, with his arms securely wrapped around her tiny waist, pulling her into him as their heads leaned into one another and their lips met.

Not caring who was watching, he pushed his tongue through her teeth, allowing his to intertwine with hers before coming back up for air.

"How about we blow off the period and take this over to the bleachers?" He suggested kinkily before moving his lips to her neck, leaving a pattern of kisses along it.

"I would babe, but I've got history. I can't afford to fail, I need those credits to graduate."

"Can't believe I have a total dork for a girlfriend." He jokes

She shoves him a little before smiling. "Hey!"

"It's a compliment baby, I'm just kidding." He assures her. "Come here." He leans into her with purses lips, demanding a kiss which she happily agrees to. During their passion filled smooching, FP catches a very awkward looking Hal near the end of the hall at the corner of his eye, glaring at them.

"Hal is staring." He says to her, causing her to stop turn her head towards him. She rolls her eyes before landing them back on FP

"So? Let him stare. We'll happily give him a show." She says suggestively as she runs her tongue across her front teeth.

They back in to their kiss and FP lowers his hands down her back and lands them upon her ass, just to piss off Hal even further, but their seduction games come to a halt when the bell rings, indicating that it was time for them to go to class.

"I. Will see. You later." He tells her in between kisses, leaving her behind in the hall. She blows a kiss to him before he turns the corner and she proceeds to make her way to her history class.

Normally, it was one of her favourite classes but after this one she was wishing she had taken FP up in the idea of skipping seeing as just by her luck, she had been paired up with the one person in class she didn't get along with for her first project.

After her class ends, she hangs around in the hall, holding her head in hands and baring her pearly white teeth. She couldn't fight this one or wriggle her way out of it seeing as her teacher was an asshole, it was just something she had to deal with if she wanted to pass this class and graduate.

"Alice?" She hears him speak before lifting her head up and looking at him with her face raging with annoyance.

"Look, I get it. I don't want to work with you any more than-"

"Choose your words wisely, Harold." She interrupts sternly.

"Trust me. If I could switch partners I would." Hal chuckles

"Oh trust me, the feelings mutual, but unlike you, I'm mature enough to get through this." She informs him.

He holds his hands up in innocence. "Hey I'm willing to be mature about this too. I'm not the asshole that you think I am."

She fixes her lips into a mild smile and goes over what he's saying. He does have a point after all. "Look, I just wanna pass, this project is worth 30% of my grade"

"So, when do you wanna meet up for this?" He asks.

She purses her lips in thought. "Pops? After school?"

He nods. "Sure, I'll see you there."


School hours had ended roughly 40 minutes ago and Hal had been sat in a booth at Pops for about 30 and Alice remained a no show.

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