Chapter 19

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The final week of Junior year had finally commenced and the academic year was coming to an end. Alice and FP were practically counting down the hours as they were steps closer to freedom, for a significant amount of months anyway.

They would finally be free to enjoy the summer and time together as much as possible without school being an interruption. Their main focus for this week was Junior prom at the end of it.

Alice was sat at her dressing table combing through her hair as she admired the dress she had obtained from the clothing store with Tanya the night before. She turned around and walked towards the outfit as it hung by her closet, admiring it and running her hands through the material. She would have never been able to afford it in the first place, hence why she stole it, with Tanya's help, which is what made her appreciate it just that more.

Her thoughts were interrupted when FP slowly came into the room holding Charlie over his shoulder and winding him.

"Where did you get that?" He asked gesturing to the dress as he placed Charlie in his crib.

"That store on Benson street." She answered.

He walked towards it and noticed the price tag was still hanging. "Oh, was it on sale?" He questioned.

"Yeah, it was. It's for the dance on Friday, I didn't wanna go in just anything." She explained

"Sale huh? What was it? Five finger discount?" FP joked gesturing to the price tag again with a smile on his face.

Alice lightly smacked his chest. "Don't joke. It's not that deep. They barely notice missing stock."

"Yeah whatever you say." FP responded.

"I can't believe it's our final week. This time next we'll be having lie ins and spending more time with this little one." She said as she cooed at Charlie in his crib.

"Lie ins? I doubt it." FP expressed as he prepared his school bag.

"Yeah, good point." She responds as she wraps her arms around his neck. "But at least we'll be together, day in day out. Days at the lake, nights at the drive in or the Wyrm, taking Charlie to the park." She smiles at the thought of it all.

"And I can't wait for all of it." FP replied before lowering his head to kiss her. The two ended their make out session before abruptly leaving for school.

They arrived earlier than usual and pulled up into the parking lot, being met by Fred making a dash towards them both.

"Hey! Has Mantle arrived yet?" FP asked him. He wanted to see just how well their little prank had played out.

"Nope, but he should be arriving soon." Fred answered with a cheeky smirk on his face.

"Why are you smiling at him like that?" Alice asked as she hung her rucksack over her shoulder.

FP wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her in towards him. "No reason baby." He said with the same smirk before leaning in to kiss her forehead. Suddenly they were interrupted by the sounds of a clunky and clapped out sounding vehicle coming through the school gate, drawing the attention of almost everybody outside, who began pointing and sniggering. FP and Fred held their laughter for as long as they could before bursting out in a full on giggling fit, confusing Alice. She glared up at them before realising they had to have something to do with this.

"Oh my God! What did you both do yesterday?!" Alice asked with feign shock on her face.

"Nothing, absolutely nothing at all. We totally didn't go to Mantle's and wreck his precious ride." Fred joked before bursting out into more laughter with FP by side. They stopped once Marty slowly approached them, still in his vehicle and dodging embarrassment as the entire student body continue to laugh and whisper.

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