Chapter 46

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4 months later

"Baby, would you relax already? The mailman doesn't come until after 9 am anyway." FP reminded her as he observed her sat by the window looking totally anxious as she casually smoked a cigarette.

They weren't just waiting on any mail, but the mail that would determine their futures forever. Today was the day they heard back from Hillingdon University, receiving letters telling them if they had been accepted or not. Hermione also found herself in the same predicament after her conversation with Fred as they had all decided they wanted to be close together, they weren't quite ready to disperse or put their friendship and bond on hold just yet.

"I know that, but there's every chance he can arrive early. Hasn't stopped him before." She explains, turning her attention back to the window with bug eyes, desperately waiting.

He found her anxiously excited nature cute but wanted to calm her down anyway. He was just as anxious as she was truth be told, but he wanted to suppress it as much as possible, not wanting her to feel worse.

The sounds of Charlie cooing from his crib startle them, indicating that he has awoken from his deep slumber. They had gotten the tot into a routine now that he was pushing one.

FP wandered into the bedroom and approached his crib to find him babbling up towards the mini animals that floated around his mobile.

"Hey sleepyhead!" FP cooed as he reached in and pulled Charlie out, resting the tot on his hip before retrieving his pacifier.

"Da!" Charlie babbled. He hadn't quite mastered the full word as of yet but FP was confident he'd get there before his first birthday.

They walked back into the living room to find Alice now stood at door, pulling the better curtain back and peeking through the small window space.

"Someone woke up especially to tell their Mommy to stop acting so crazy, didn't they?" FP mimicked as he strolled towards Alice.

She arched her brow, unimpressed by his weak attempt at comedy before taking Charlie out of his hands, raising him up in the air and bringing him back down to blow raspberries into his cheeks.

"He never said that. He loves Mommy regardless of how she behaves, don't you baby?"

Charlie's only response was a light giggle as the three of them walked into the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

"I guess you're right." She casually admitted as she adjusted Charlie's high chair. "But with everything we've been through the past year, I just want it all to be worth it, and for some good to come out of it, for us to receive some good news." She explained to FP before he calmly smiled back, letting her know without speaking that he was supportive of her regardless.

"Morning all!" Forsythe greets in a slight groan as he walks into the kitchen with a newspaper in hand.

"Gappa!" Charlie excitedly babbles upon seeing his grandfather enter the room.

The three laughed happily, amazed by Charlie's advanced but still difficult to understand vocabulary, but he seemed to have the basics down so far, which filled FP and Alice with pride either way.

They're interrupted by Charlie's adorable babbling when Alice screams upon looking out of the window.

"What's the matter?!" FP wondered in concern.

She didn't give a response, and just immediately ran out onto the porch, making a beeline for the mailbox.

She returned to the trailer panting with a mildly excited look on her face as she shifted through the mail.

"They're both from Hillingdon University." She pants out with wide and gleaming eyes.

FP practically snatches the letter she gestures towards him out of her hand, ripping along the fold and pulling out the enclosed letter.

"Dear Forsythe-" He mumbles as he reads the words in front of him. "We are pleased to confirm you have been accepted into Hillingdon university."

He shifted his head upwards, with beaming eyes glaring back at Alice before she ran into his arms, wrapping ing her own around his neck tightly.

"Me too!" She whispered excitedly before kissing his cheek.

Forsythe stood from the table with gleaming eyes, looking excitedly towards his son and Alice. "You both got into Hillingdon?" He repeated in disbelief. He wanted to make sure he'd heard correctly.

Alice and FP happily nodded, embracing Forsythe into a hug which he happily accepted.

"The first Jones going off to college." Forsythe spoke with a teary voice as he hugged the celebrating teens. "I couldn't be any prouder if I tried."

And he was. Well and truly proud. With everything the two of them had been through, this was a major milestone for the both of them. He'd watch them grow from impulsive and reckless teens to respectable and mature parents in a matter of months, slowly but surely changing their lives for the better, and just the next step for the rest of their lives.


The sounds of chirping birds and crickets amongst the nature is all that can heard on the peaceful afternoon at Sweet Water river. Alice, FP, Fred and Hermione figured it would be perfect to celebrate their news down at their favourite spot in the comfort of FP's truck, Hermione resting against Fred's shoulder as his arm wrapped around hers and Alice sat in between FP's legs with both of wrapped comfortably around her neck. The perfect ending to a brilliant afternoon.

"I just, can't believe we did it." Hermione expresses in disbelief as a her pink painted lips curl into a wide smile. "We all got into Hillingdon, what are the odds."

The remaining three nodded in agreement, still processing the fortunate news, because it really was lucky for all three to be accepted. Granted they had different backgrounds and qualities associated with them, three kids from the same school and town being accepted into one of the most prestigious colleges in the state was unlikely.

"This, calls for celebration. A real celebration." Alice spike suggestively before removing herself from FP's grasp and standing on her legs.

She slowly removed her t shirt and jeans, showing off her matching underwear and making FP smile suggestively before hopping out of the truck. And running towards the lake.

"Well? What are you guys waiting for?" She excitedly encouraged before making her way into Sweetwater river.

"You don't have to tell me twice baby." FP chuckled before removing his garments and running towards her.

Fred and Hermione followed soon after, and the foursome found themselves embroiled in a very hyper but exciting splashing fight. Their transitions into adulthood were truly starting and they couldn't be any happier.

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