Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

She stormed into the trailer and interrupted the phone call between Karen and the unknown individual.

"Am I hearing this right?!" Hermione asked in disbelief forcing Karen to turn around in shock. Her eyes popped open and the panic over her face was more apparent than ever.

"I'll call you back Ray." She whispered into the device before ending the call and putting it on the hook.

"Ray?!" Hermione repeated "Oh my God!" She whispered, even more disgusted at the fact that Karen was casually conversing with her daughter's would be rapist.

"What the fuck are you doing here? Have you never heard of knocking?" Karen yelled through gritted teeth.

"I came back to get my purse and I'm glad I did. I can't believe you spiked your own daughter and what else? Just to make her look like a bad mother so you can make some quick cash?" Hermione exaggerated in disbelief. She'd come across some shitty parents before but Alice's mother definitely had to be the worst.

"I don't know what you're talking about but I suggest you leave my home right now before I call the cops for breaking and entering." Karen threatened as she approached the raven haired girl.

"The door was open first of all, and please do call the cops, go ahead. I'm sure they'd love to hear about how you're planning on illegally selling your own grandchild." Hermione snapped back confidently.

"I'm telling Alice." Hermione revealed nonchalantly before storming out of the trailer. She didn't count on Karen following her out and pleading for her to come back but she wasn't going to stop for anybody.

"Hermione wait!" Karen called out as she practically ran up to her. She grabbed ahold of the girl's arm and pulled her around.

"Get off me!" Hermione snapped aggressively as she yanked her hand back.

Smugly, Karen approached her, a deep scowl sinking her face as she prepares to speak.

"Fine, go ahead and tell her. Who do you think she's going to believe? Her own mother or some girl she's known five minutes?" Karen threatened. Hermione however didn't care about any of that.

"You're a disgusting person. And based on the stories I've heard you've always been that way, so I'm willing to take that chance. Alice will see right through your caring mother act one way or another."

She reached her town car and pulled the open. "Alice get out, we need to to talk. Now."

Alice furrowed her brow as she stepped out of the vehicle. "What's going on?" She questioned. She noticed her mother coming towards the two of them.

"Don't listen to a word she says Allie." Karen expressed, still out of breath from practically chasing Hermione down.

"What are you talking about?" Alice questioned, genuinely confused by all of this.

"Oh give it up already Karen!" Hermione said to her sternly. She took a hold of Alice's hands, in an attempt to get her to really take in what she was about to say.

"She's been trying to make you look like a bad parent so she could have Charlie adopted for cash." Hermione revealed.

Alice's face completely dropped and was practically drained the minute she heard what came out of Hermione's mouth. She couldn't believe it, she didn't want to, but then she had to take into consideration just who her Mother was, and has always been; a heartless and selfish bitch who has always looked out for herself and nobody else and would do absolutely anything for cash.

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