Chapter 13

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The minute the detention buzzer rang throughout the school, Alice practically sprinted out of the classroom and left the building. She couldn't wait to get home and see her baby boy, who she'd missed all day while she was stuck at school.

She always thought she'd be able to handle being away from him with no problems but every now and then it proved to be a challenge.

She walked out of the school entrance still huffing in annoyance, especially due to the fact that she only got detention because Penelope provoked her and that she'd now have to walk home, or did she?

She walked around the corner and was met with FP stood up leaning against his truck with a smirk on his face.

"You didn't have to pick me up." She says to him as she approached him closer. She lightly wrapped her arms around his waist and did the same with her, pulling her closer into him as he did.

"Yes I did, I wasn't gonna let you walk home now was I." He told her as he looked down at her. "But then again, the way you handled Blossom, I guess you can take care of yourself."

She lightly slapped his chest before removing herself out of his embrace and walking to the passenger seat and finding Charlie wide awake in the car seat between them. She stroked his cheek and cooed at him before putting her belt on.

"You're just lucky she isn't pressing charges." FP informed. "You practically rearranged her face.

"Oh please! It's no worse than what you've done to guys at the Wyrm who have looked at me funny, plus she deserved it! And then some." Alice replies before adjusting Charlie's blanket and kissing his little cheek. "Why isn't he with Senior?" Alice asked referring to Charlie.

"He had 'emergency serpent business' is what he told me before running out the door looking worried." FP explained.

"What kind of business?" Alice questioned in an unimpressed tone.

"You know what kind Al." FP responded as he continued to drive.

"Haven't you noticed that these runs have a little more frequent than usual?" She questions. The Serpents and the Southside in general were no strangers to the drug trade and dealing but since the introduction of Peter Peabody into the gang last year there was an increase in demands and jobs, dealing with even harder drugs than they were used to.

"You know, selling joints at school and a couple bags of coke at parties is one thing, but moving heroin out of town and over the border so frequently with the cops on our tails is another thing. That shit is too risky." Alice finished

"I know it is, but my Dad is a big boy. He can handle himself." FP explained as he continued driving.

"I just don't want this to turn more dangerous than it is and for you to be in the middle of it." She finished.

About five minutes later, they pulled into the trailer park to find Karen stood by the trailer smoking a cigarette. Knowing her she had been hanging around the trailer park the whole day waiting for them both to return. The woman could be persistent when need be.

Alice exited the truck before sighing. "What the hell is she doing here?" She rhetorically asked FP as he exited the truck with Charlie lying comfortably in his car seat.

"Well I'm guessing it's something to do with the fact that you brushed her off this morning." FP sarcastically answers, earning an unimpressed look from his girlfriend. Alice honestly thought her demonic mother would've got the picture during their stand off this morning but just like herself, she was persistent as ever, so it left her wondering that whatever her mother was still doing here, it had to be serious.

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