Chapter 33

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"Hey buddy, can you say Dada?" FP cooed as he bounced the giggling infant on his lap. He was sat comfortably in bed, Alice on the other side of him reading to herself, the two of them just quietly enjoying the day.

"Go on, say it. Say Dada!" He repeated cheerfully.

Alice shifts her eyes towards them before scoffing in laughter and placing her magazine back down. "Babe, you tried this already, he's only 6 months old."

"Well he's very advanced for his age." He retorts

"And why would he say Dada when Mommy's his favourite?" She coos before pinching his chubby little cheeks.

She takes him out of FP's arms and raises him into the air before lowering him back to her face and smothering him with kisses, causing him to giggle and babble even more.

Setting his chestnut eyes upon the two of them and twitching his mouth into a grin, he stares in awe at Alice as she bounces their young son on her lap, talking to him softly and smiling.

"What?" Alice wonders as she turns her head towards him, noticing his staring at the corner of her eye. "Has my beauty rendered you speechless?"

He laughs before reaching his hand out to Charlie's cheek and rubbing his thumb across. "Do you ever think about having more kids?" He asks randomly.

Alice's mouth drops as she stops bouncing Charlie up and down and her brows raise in horror.

"Not now, obviously but when we're older, much older of course." FP reaffirms.

She sighs in relief, returning to bouncing Charlie on her lap. "It's crosses my mind, once or twice. You really think about our future that far ahead?" She questions genuinely touched by this revelation.

"Yeah, I do. Maybe having a little girl, as pretty as her Mama." Alice grins widely, blushing as her head falls down.

"A nice big house on the Northside, finally getting out of this trailer and shithole neighbourhood. White Pickett fence and a huge garden for little Charlie and Forsythia to play in-"

Alice stops him right there. "No. No way, there is no way we are naming our future daughter Forsythia." She argues

"Come on, you got to choose Charles, I get to pick Forsythia for our daughter. It's only fair." FP explains

"Maybe it can be her middle name but I'm not naming our daughter after you, you narcissist." She jokes

"Fine." He huffs

She leans her head into his shoulder and he stretches his arm around hers, softly running his hand through her golden locks. "Keep going." She says softly

"You own the towns newspaper, and come home every day after a long days work to me giving you well deserved foot rubs after I've cooked dinner for you and the kids because it's the 90s and I'm a feminist who totally supports the idea of women not being bound to the housewife role and husbands taking on that role instead while their wives are dominating the work place." He explains

Alice chuckles. "I like the sound of that, but what about you? And our nearby future? It's our senior year, you don't think about going to college perhaps?"

"I don't know, I've just never really thought about it, it was never big deal to me but what about you? I mean you're college material for sure." He tells her

"Deep down I've always wanted to go, get my degree in writing and journalism but it just seemed like an elaborate dream, plus it's even more unlikely now, but it's not like it's impossible, maybe I can achieve it one day."

"Well whatever you want to do in the mean time, I'll always be here for you." FP promises her.

She smiled before leaning in to kiss him on the lips, brushing their lips against each other afterwards before giving one another Eskimo kisses.

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