Chapter 28

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A/N: Shit is about to go DOWN!

Alice looked down at Charlie's empty crib.

She had woken up excited to kiss his cute little face, but then remembered he wasn't with her, but over with her mother at her trailer after last nights fiasco.

She glared down at FP who was fast asleep next to her, no doubt trying his hardest to sleep off the high from last night.

She went over it in her head and she was truly ashamed of herself, FP too, and she knew Forsythe did the right thing. Charlie's welfare came first always, but that didn't mean she didn't miss him, yeah or had only been a matter of hours but he was her baby and she hated being away from him for a significant amount of time, even when she was at work.

Her thoughts were interrupted as she felt a hand fall upon her shoulder. She turned her head to find FP awake.

"Morning baby." He greeted before kissing her cheek. She accepted and softly stroked his hand, still feeling guilty over last nights events.

"What's the matter? Still thinking about last night? Don't worry too much, my Dad's just an asshole." FP said with a sleepy voice before running his hands over his face

"No FP, he was right. It was stupid to come back high."

"Yeah, It wouldn't have been safe for Charlie but he had no right telling your Mom to take him."

"It's not like we came back totally drunk or high off coke but we still did what we did. I don't want Charle ever seeing us that way, and what if something would have happened to him, we wouldn't have been in the right mind to fix it." Alice explained to him

He held his head down and contemplated what she was saying and she was right. The last thing he'd ever want was for Charlie to end up hurt because of their inability to act in the right mind.

"You're right, I'm sorry, come here." He said to her as he held onto her hand and pulled her into him, falling back onto the bed and her on top of him.

She giggled as he did and lowered her head to plant a kiss on his soft pink lips. He caresses her back and tuck a piece of her hair behind her ear.

"We've still gotta face your old man." Alice reminded him. No doubt he was still in a strop over last night and Alice didn't want to face his wrath alone.

FP tapped her back, indicating for her to get up so he could stand up. When he did he pulled her with him into the living room. "Better now than later." He said as the two of them walked into the room to find Forsythe sat at the dining room table reading the morning paper.

The two slowly approached him nervously before greeting him

"Morning Dad." FP spoke, gripping tightly onto Alice's hand.

Forsythe looked up from his paper and slowly lowered it onto the table before glaring at the two of them in disappointment. FP had been around long enough and familiar enough with that look to know what was coming.

"I take those looks are going to be followed with an apology." Forsythe said to the two of them.

FP gripped onto Alices hand tighter and looked down at her, locking their eyes together as they were filled with guilt and remorse

"Okay, okay. We're sorry. But c'mon Dad, you overreacted, it's not like we haven't been highly before-"

Forsythe narrowed his eyes before interrupting FP. "You think this is just about last night?"

"Well isn't it?" Alice asked rhetorically

"No, it's not just about last night. It's about you two, constantly putting your own needs before Charlie and not being proper parents, last night was just the cherry on top of the cake."

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