Chapter 39

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Alice practically looked like death as she staggered around the trailer with a screaming Charlie on her hip. Forsythe usually calmed him down but he had been at the police station since the early hours of the morning.

She had been up half the night contacting the police station, other serpents and trying to get Charlie down to sleep. The tot hadn't had much either. He was never a difficult baby when it came to sleeping but Alice just knew the circumstances of last night had affected the poor child.

"It's okay baby, Mommy's here, mommy's here." She cooed sadly as she bounced the screaming tot on her hip and balanced the phone in her hand before raising it to her ear and waiting for an answer.

"Hello?.........Pete where the fuck have you been?!.........I've been calling you for a half hour.......What do you mean you don't know.......Hello? Hello?!"

She heard a dial tone on the other end, removing the phone from her ear and staring down at it with furrowed brows and a tightened jaw in anger.

She slammed the phone down onto hook in dire frustration, practically on the verge of tears before taking her free hand and running it through her sweaty and mangled curls. This was the last thing she needed right now and her stress levels were through the roof enough already.

Holding back her emotions, she pulled her lips in and closed her eyes shut, trying to prevent anymore tears from falling and took a deep sigh. She didn't want Charlie seeing her like this.

She removed him from her hip and placed him over her shoulder, rubbing his back in an attempt to soothe him and calm him down.

"Shh shh, I know, I know you miss your Daddy, it's okay." She cooed sadly to the infant.

They were interrupted by a knock at the door. She turned towards the handle and pulled it open to find Fred and Hermione on the other side, looking just as frantic and worried as her.

"We came as soon as we got your call." Hermione spoke as she walked into the trailer holding Fred's hand.

"Thanks." She says sadly looking down at Charlie, who was still hysterical. "Seniors at the police station trying to get him out. What the hell happened last night, nobody's told me anything!" She pleaded frantically

"Hal was mouthing off and he attacked him." Fred explained with a deep sigh.

"He's always mouthing off, what made him attack him this time?" Alice wondered frustratedly before having a realisation. "It's because I wasn't there to stop him isn't it? This is all my fault-"

"He was mouthing off about Charlie." Hermione revealed interrupting her panicked friend.

Alice shifted her eyes towards Hermione, eyes filled with disbelief and confusion, narrowing her eyebrows as her pink soft lips as she slowly processed what was just said.

"What?" She scoffed followed by an unimpressed chuckle. "What did he say about Charlie?" She repeated as she sat down, placing the tot on the floor in front of her by his toys.

Hermione and Fred glanced at each other guiltily, not wanting to reveal anything further knowing how Alice would react.

"What did he say?!" She repeated sternly.

"He called Charlie a bastard." Hermione announced regretfully before looking down at the ground.

Alice jut out her jaw before gulping in disgust, now FP's violent outburst made sense, she would've reacted the same way.

She slowly sat down into the couch, her hands shaking in rage as she ran them down her fury filled face, closing them into a tight fist and resting her chin upon it. "That son of a bitch." She hissed as a tear fell down her face.

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