Chapter 43

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"Sign these papers here, and here." The prison officer instructed FP to do before handing him the clear plastic bag of belongings and clothing he had on him when he entered this hellhole against his will.

He was free. No more prison cells and the sound of the clanking locks terrifying and trapping him every night, no more rotten, ghastly and mould filled prison meals, no more cardboard like mattresses to ache his back during his slumber. Those days were done, this dark chapter of his life, this recurring nightmare and all of the ill thoughts that had run through his mind the past few weeks we're finally over.

Who knew blackmail could be so powerful? One threat to contact the police and with the drop of a hat, Hal and his family immediately dropped the charges they had pressed against him.

But he wasn't thinking about that. He wasn't thinking about the very people who were this close to ruining his life, he'd wasted enough tears and time on them. All that mattered was his family; his father, his son and the love of his life. From this point forward, he lived every moment for them. No more dwelling on the past or circumstances out of his control, he was all about the future.

He was lead down the dreary, dark and cold hallway by a guard towards the main entrance of the prison, closing his eyes and allowing himself to absorb the light from the outside, appreciating it despite the sleeting rain drizzling down. He hasn't been outside in weeks, he'll take what he can get.

He confidently strolled towards the prison gates, puffed chest and his shoulders back as he watched the iron gates slide to the left, finally freeing him from the God forsaken place, he couldn't be any happier in that moment, but the sight of a familiar blonde haired individual, casually stood leaned up against his truck with a wide grin on her face had him second guessing that.

He stood there, beaming like a Cheshire Cat before running over to her instantly, dropping his bag of belongings at her feet before hugging her tightly and lifting her off the ground, spinning her around. She wrapped her arms around his neck, taking in his scent, stroking his raven locks and clenching her eyes shut in happiness. They had waited weeks for this moment.

Slowing down, she lifted her head, looking down at him with a soft smile as he still held her up, his arms hugging around her narrow waist while he glared up at her proudly.

Releasing her hand, she lightly stroked his bare scruffy cheek, appreciating just seeing his face, God how he had missed this.

"Is it true what they say about men who have just been released from prison babe?" She whispered with the twitch of her lip.

He smirked curiously. "What do they say?"

"That they're incredibly sexually frustrated?" She questioned, sliding her tongue across her teeth slyly

He pulled his lips in, trying to hold in his emerging chuckle. "How about we get in the truck and find out?" He said suggestively as he watched her smile widen.

Placing her back onto the ground, she took ahold of his hand, practically sprinting as she lead him to the truck. She wanted to get as far away from the dreaded Shankshaw prison as fast as she could and she was sure FP felt the same.

As they drove down the empty and wet roads from the harsh weather, FP couldn't shake the pulsating nerves that arose in his body as he watched her drive.

She was certainly right though, he was definitely craving some loving. He had needs after all, and weeks away in only the company of men had a certain affect on him, and seeing her in that tight fitted denim skirt certainly didn't help either.

He leaned his head back against the seat, shifting his focus to her heart shaped porcelain face and pulling a seductive grin before landing his hand on her warm thigh, slowly but sensually moving it higher, and higher.

"Babe, I'm driving." She giggles. "We can't." She finishes with a restless breath.

He releases his seatbelt, moving closer to her and bringing his mouth to her ear. "Are you sure about that?" He whispers seductively, lightly stroking a finger over the lace panties that covered her mound.

She shuddered as her cheeks ran red and her nerve endings spiked, slowly releasing a shallow breath before widening her eyes. "Fuck it!" She spoke before immediately pulling over.

God damn his charm and powers of persuasion, she was always rendered weak no matter how hard she tried to resist.


"God baby, I've missed you."  He announces through shallow breaths as the two of them come down from their highs. She lay back into his chest, his leather jacket covering her body as he ran his fingertips down her skin, sweat glistening against her body as he admired her beauty, inside and out.

"Feelings mutual." She grins softly before she kisses his arm placed around his chest and light strokes him. "Think these have been the worst few weeks of our lives."

He raises his brow. "You think? I've never been so terrified in my life. All I kept thinking about was Charlie growing up without a Dad, you all alone, without me."

"I had to be realistic and prepare for that." She quietly admits. "It scared the shit out of me. Just the idea of you being away from us for so long when we need you, and I never wanna feel that way again."

He takes her chin into his fingers, lightly stroking it before titling it around to his face. "And I promise you won't. All that matters, is here and now, and our future together." He smiles. "Me, you and Charlie."

Her lips twitch up into a proud smile, he'd grown up so much since she started dating him and admired the man he had become. He grinned back before pulling her face to his lips, planting a kiss on hers as they just enjoyed the moment. Nothing was ever going to come between them again.

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