Chapter 11

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A week had passed by since Fred's visit to the Jones trailer and discovering that his two best friends had become parents overnight. It still shocked him, and it figured it would change their lives obviously but it didn't seem to impact the two teens as much as expected.

Yes they were exhausted and inexperienced but during their first week of parenthood they had managed to do quite well, shocking even themselves.

Charlie was a relatively calm baby and hardly cried, barely made noise and pretty much spent his days eating and sleeping, which didn't surprise Alice in the slightest given who his Dad was.

Night feeds proved to be a challenge but they split those responsibilities equally which worked out for them. Their only concern was Alice returning back to school and trying to juggle academics with motherhood.

FP had returned in the middle of the week after having his Dad call in sick for him a few days so he could stay at home with Alice and the baby, which he was nervous about at first because he wasn't sure if people knew and if they would judge him.

Given the weird looks he received from some classmates and Hal's mysterious absence which he was aware of given they were both Bulldogs and he missed a couple of practices, he figured word had got out. But he knew nobody would step to him about it, they were too scared. Bulldog status plus Southside Serpent status on campus equals not to be fucked with.

He couldn't say the same about Alice though, other than juggling school and childcare that was another concern of hers. She normally didn't give a damn what people had to say about her to her face by behind her back and having to deal with people judging her or talking about her, she couldn't handle.

It was the Sunday before Alice and FP were due to return to school regularly so they decided to just spend the day indulging in some much needed relaxation.

FP was sat on the couch with his arm placed on the side and his other on Alices shoulder as she leaned into him with her legs splayed out and the baby laying down in her lap. She played with his little fists as FP was focused on the racing film he was watching, Alice didn't care enough to ask what it was.

He took his eyes off the screen for a second and looked down at Alice playing with the infant for a second before speaking up.

"You know, if you're nervous about tomorrow, you can talk to me." He finally spoke breaking the silence in the room.

Alice paused for a second before stopping. She positioned herself up right, moving closer into FP and brought the baby off her lap and placed him over her shoulder, beginning to rub his little back.

"I'm trying not to think about that right now. I've got enough on my plate."

"I know, but I don't want you getting upset tomorrow if anybody gives you shit and holding it in like you usually do until you snap."

"FP, those judgy northside assholes are not my problem, I can handle them. Besides I'll be sticking with you and nobody's gonna say anything with you around, they won't dare to." She finished before moving forward and placing the infant, who was now asleep, down into the Moses basket.

She moved back into the couch and snuggled closer to FP and he placed him arm around her shoulder while she placed hers on his leg.

"Baby, you don't always have to be so tough all the time." FP reminded her.

"I know. I'm just, worried. I mean, this week I've been so wrapped up in Charlie I haven't had to think about anything else and then tomorrow reality is gonna kick in, that reality being that I'm a teen Mom, who's still in school, and what if things get so bad that I have to drop out?" She questioned worriedly.

FP immediately rose his head up and brought his hand to her chin, making her face him.

"That isn't going to happen. I promised you I'd be there for you through thick and thin at the start of this, and I don't plan on backing out anytime soon." He assured her.

The look in his eyes was beyond sincere. He really did mean what he said to her, and if she was being honest he's been the only consistent thing in her life and the only person she's been able to trust.

She gave him a small smile before slowly reaching her hand towards his face and angling his head towards hers for him to lean in and kiss her. They continued to peck their lips for a while before remembering the baby was in the room.

"I love you." She whispered before snuggling into him tighter.

"I love you too." He gushed before planting a kiss on her forehead. They remained in that position for the rest of the afternoon, enjoying television and dreading what tomorrow could bring but either way, they were prepared for it.


"Al?" He called on the other side of the door. They were due to leave for school in 10 minutes tops and Alice was still hiding away in their room.

"Yeah, I'm coming, just doing my hair." She replied as she finished brushing the ends of her dark blonde locks in front of her mirror.

FP walked into the room to check on her anyway, knowing she was probably stalling on purpose. "You ready?" He asked with a smile.

"Yeah, just let me get my bag. It's in the closet." She picked up the handbag she had packed the night before and placed it over her shoulder.

FP walked over to Charlie's crib and carefully carried the infant out and proceeded to walk into the living room carrying the infant over his shoulder.

Alice followed after them and watched as FP handed Charlie over to Forsythe.

"Okay, be good grandpa." FP cooed at the infant as his grandfather took him.

"How long has he been awake?" Forsythe asked

"Only about an hour. He's due a feed at 11 so I pumped last night and left it in the fridge." Alice explained to him

"Well okay, run off you two, you don't wanna be late."

FP and Alice both kissed Charlie on the forehead and waved goodbye to Forsythe as they stepped out of the door and went on their way. As they landed on the ground Alice held FP's hand in hers and she swung herself around him, landing on his chest and reaching up to kiss him.

"What was that for?" He grinned as he rested his hands firmly on her waist.

"What? I can't kiss my boyfriend? I've been dying to do that all morning." She leaned in to kiss his neck but he seemed to reject it at the sight of a woman stood before them.

"Alice." He said to her to get her to stop as he continued glaring in surprise.

"Hi Allie." The attractive but rough looking blonde woman greeted.

Alice took her arms from around FP's neck and turned around to face the mysterious woman.



A/N: DUN DUN DUN!!! Well that was unexpected. What do you think is in store for Alice and her Mother? What is she doing back in town? What does she want? Find out in the next chapter?

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