Chapter 9

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FP turned into the Wilcott neighbourhood in town. Besides Thornhill mansion, it was the most prestigious area in Riverdale and FP could only imagine ever living there. He almost envied the fact that Alice had got to experience living there for the past 8 months.

"Pull up here." Alice told him lightly touching his shoulder.

He parked his truck by the street right outside the Cooper household and turned to Alice.

"Are you sure you don't want me to go in with you?" He asked her.

"I'll only be a few minutes, don't worry. He's not home anyway, nobody is. The cars aren't there." Alice explained to him.

"Well just hurry up okay babe." He said to her, and she kissed him on the cheek before going.

She walked towards the front gate, looking over her shoulder and around her, still weary of her surrounding and hoping Hal or his mother wouldn't appear at the last minute. She really wasn't in the mood for a fight right now.

She dug through her coat pocket and pulled out the key she still had for their home and entered, immediately racing up the stairs and to her room.

Meanwhile, back in the car, FP was dozing off and trying to fight his sleep, given that the night's events had been hectic and he had about 2 hours shut eye. He tried to keep himself awake as he was supposed to be on the look out for Hal but sleep got the best of him and he began to doze off yet again, but he was soon woken up by the sound of he believed was a car door slamming shut.

He snapped up with his eyes wide open and glared out of his window as he saw Hal angrily pacing towards his front door. He seemed super pissed, which concerned FP.

"Shit." FP whispered to himself as he looked towards the front door, hoping to see Alice come out eventually. He watched as Hal walked through his door.

The minute Hal entered and shut the door behind him, FP ran out of his truck and towards the door. He got to it and found that Hal unfortunately locked it right after entering. He ran around towards the back of the house trying to find a way in.

Meanwhile, Alice was finishing up her packing. She didn't have much to bring with her to begin with so it all managed to fit into the duffel bag. She finished packing up and proceeded to leave, only to find Hal stood in the door way behind her.

They glared at each other for a second, furrowed eyebrows and unimpressed looks on their faces and he stared her up and down before speaking.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Hal asked through gritted teeth.

"Look, I just came to get my stuff, I don't want any trouble." She explained to him before attempting to brush past him but he got a hod of her bag and pulled her back towards him.

"What are you doing? Let go of me!" She yelled

"So that's it huh?" He rhetorically asked her as he got right into her face. "You and I are over just like that? After everything we've built, the future we've planned? All for a mistake?!" He yelled as he tugged on her bag strap tighter and pulled her further in.

"Get off me Hal!" She demanded as she pushed him back. "And I dare you to call my child a mistake one more god damn time!" She gritted through her teeth.

"You lay on your back for that Southside scum and get knocked up. What else would you call it?" He spat at her.

For Alice, that was the final straw, and she immediately brought her hand up to slap him but he got a hold of her wrist before she got the chance and pulled her into him before pushing her back into a wall.

"Get away from me Hal!" She screamed. Suddenly they were interrupted by the door flying open and FP bursting in.

He immediately ran towards them and pushed Hal off of her, in which he landed straight on the floor hitting his shoulder on the dresser table on the way down.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" FP yelled at him before going over and pulling him up by his collar and getting directly into his face. He could feel Hal's breath on him and his smug smile was enraging him further.

"FP let go of him, please! Let's just go." Alice pleaded.

He ignored her and angrily glared at Hal.

"FP please." She said before grabbing his shoulder and trying to pull him back. He eventually let Hal go, practically dropping him in anger and walked towards Alice, wrapping his hand around her waist and walking her out. He drove the both of them home back to the trailer.

They stepped into the trailer and found Forsythe senior sat back in his recliner and the baby lying down on blankets fast asleep placed carefully in a drawer.

"Oh hey, you two are back." Forsythe Senior said to them a they walked through the door. FP and Alice looked at the baby in the drawer with narrowed eyes.

"Well we ain't got a crib yet, I had to improvise out of something. Your Mom did the same with you when." Forsythe senior said.

"Oh right, clever." FP said, appreciating his father's efforts. Suddenly the infant awoke and began to wail.

"I guess he's hungry?" Alice questioned before she dropped her bag and went to pick the baby up, holding him securely to her chest.

"I'll give you guys some space, I've gotta walk the dog anyway." Forsythe Senior said to them as he got up and grabbed the dog leash from the coffee table. "C'mon Hot Dog!" He called out, and the dog came running out o the kitchen and immediately towards the front door. FP and Alice watched as they left.

They both sat back down on the couch and relaxed themselves.

"We'll be okay won't we?" Alice asked as she positioned the baby in her chest.

FP sat down next to her and rested his arm on the back of the chair. "Of course we will." He assured her before kissing her on the forehead and pulling her into him, allowing her to rest her head on his shoulder.

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