Chapter 45

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As intolerable and troublesome Marty was, there was no doubt he threw the best parties in Riverdale high, it may have been his only redeeming quality.

The four teens were currently huddled into a corner, Alice sat on FP's lap and Hermione stood by Fred's side, quietly enjoying the night, the music and the atmosphere of the Bulldogs victory celebrations, along with taking in the fact that this could possibly be their last ever high school party. College was just around the corner for them.

"Christ I thought that game would never end." FP exasperated as he leaned back into his seat, closing his eyes in relief as he pinched his forehead. He ran his other hand up and down Alice's thigh.

"Tell me about it." Fred agreed. "Pretty sure I put my back out with that touchdown." He tensed as he stretched his back out with a grimace.

"Well at least it's out of the way and you guys don't have to think about it anymore. Now you can focus on what's important, like colleges." Hermione encouraged with a smile as she looked down at Fred, gently rubbing his shoulders.

Fred and FP locked eyes nervously, tightening their jaws in guilt, dreading the upcoming discussion they had been avoiding all week. Neither of them had informed their girlfriends of their plans that they had discussed earlier in the week, and they knew they'd have a lot of explaining to do eventually.

"How did your meeting with that professor from Bolton go?" Alice enquired before taking a sip of her beverage.

"Bolton is an ultimate last result." Hermione mocks with an eyebrow tilt. Bolton university in Miami wasn't exactly ideal, in fact far from it, but their fashion design course still decent enough to Hermione, and would be a viable option if she ever ran out of them, but that's was highly unlikely.

"But I still learnt a lot about college life in general from her so it wasn't a total waste of time, most of what she said was very beneficial, what about you?"

The two women were far too busy with their conversation on colleges to notice their guilty as sin uncomfortable looking boyfriends.

"Are we really talking about stuck up professors and fancy dancy colleges now? At a party? When we should be getting drunk and enjoying the little amount of time we still have to do this before adulthood start?" FP pointed out with a laugh as he glanced back and forth between the two.

He wanted their conversation to end and for them to move onto something else already. He eyed up a slightly anxious Fred before Alice began speaking.

"Well then let's dance." She suggested with a smirk, rising off of his lap and taking his hand, lightly pulling him towards her. He laughed, slowly giving in as he stood and pulled her back into his chest, wrapping his arms around her waist and turning her around as he lead her to the dance floor, leaving Hermione and Fred on their lonesome.

"Well no doubt those two will end up doing it." Hermione joked, watching as the lovebirds took over the dance floor.

Fred laughs, gripping Hermione's waist a little tighter as she rested her hand on his shoulder.

"You know, I was reading up on NYU's respect is and they actually offer promising Football scholarships." Hermione revealed with a smile, hoping to encourage him further about college.

He frowned in uncertainty, slowly removing his hand from her waist before rising from the couch. He had to break the ice eventually, tell her the truth straight, and it had to be now.

"What's wrong?" She asked him softly, taking note of his frown.

"Hermione, truth be told, I haven't thought about a college scholarship because, I'm not planning on going to college.

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