Chapter 24

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"I still don't see why Hermione needed us to hold her hand." FP says to Alice. It was Friday night and the two were stood outside the concession and ticket stand at the Twilight Drive in waiting for Hermione to purchase their tickets.

He stood behind her with his arms around her waist and his chin rested on her shoulder. She lightly brushed his hands over her abdomen area.

"Because it's her first date, she's nervous. Plus don't you wanna support Fred? This would be his first date since what? 8th grade? He seriously needs some action."

Hermione returned from the ticket stand interrupting their discussion. She figured the least she could do is pay for their tickets since she practically begged them for this double date.

"Okay that's four tickets secured." She hands FP and Alice their tickets and pockets the other two for safe keeping. She glances around the busy drive in seeing no sign of Fred yet and her nerves suddenly take over.

"Do I look okay?" She says to FP, gesturing her outfit.

His eyebrows furrowed and he instantly turned to Alice.

"I'm a guy, this really isn't my expertise Hermione." He laughs holding his hands up in defence.

She scoffs and turns to Alice, hoping to get an answer out of her.

"Don't listen to him, you look great. Besides, Fred isn't the superficial type, he's going to be more interested in what's underneath." Her eyes pop out upon hearing how awkward that sounded.

"No, I didn't mean it like that, he's just going to be more interested in you as person, not what you're wearing or how you look." Alice reveals.

Hermione smiles, with this new nugget of information raising her confidence a little higher.

"Yeah she's right about that. It explains the crush he had on the most unpleasant girl in 1st grade. She killed bugs and scribbled over other kids drawings, yet he still wanted to 'see the best in her'" FP mimics.

"Until she put compost waste in his backpack." Alice laughed as she reminisced over their 1st grade memory.

Hermione bares her teeth in shock. "Wow, he must've been desperate."

"He wasn't desperate, he's just always seeing the best in people and doesn't judge a book by its cover." Alice explained to her. "Which is also why he thought this girl was some misunderstood sweetheart with deep rooted pain, but as he'd come to learn a few years down the line in junior high, she was just a bitch."

"Speak of the devil." FP interrupts as he turns his head around and spots Penelope Blossom in his eye-line. The girls follow his lead.

"That's who he had a crush on? The red head?" Hermione questions.

"Yep. The red dahlia herself. Penelope Blossom. The grand high cunt of Riverdale High." Alice sighs. If she had known Penelope was going to be here tonight she wouldn't have bothered turning up.

Their staring is put to to a halt as they notice Fred's truck pulling. He hops out of the vehicle and made his way to towards them all.

"Hey. What were you all whispering about?"

"You." FP blurts out

"What about me?"

"The fact you had a crush on Penelope in elementary that you think we've all forgotten about." Alice laughs

His mouth drops and he turns red with embarrassment. Standing there practically tongue tied as Hermione pierces her lips together to avoid laughing out loud, he can say he had never been more embarrassed.

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