Chapter 7

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FP had been driving, admittedly recklessly, for a good 15 minutes before he finally reached the Topaz household and parked in a silly position that would have definitely gotten him a ticket but he didn't care in that moment. He was in a rush.

He exit the car and ran up the stairs on the front porch and banged the door hoping one of the Topaz siblings were up.

He found himself in luck when the door began to open but it turned out to be the one Topaz sibling he didn't want to deal with.

The young woman opened the door and narrowed her eyes at FP. He gave a weak smile.

"Are you for real? It's practically the crack of dawn, your ass is lucky I was already up with Mikey." The eldest Topaz sibling argued. She was without a doubt the feistiest one of them all.

"I'm sorry Tina. I thought Tommy would be up, it's kind of an emergency." FP explained.

Tina laughed and leaned against the door. "Let me guess. You came round so Tommy could fix you up with some cash in order to skip town and run out on your fatherly duties and responsibilities?" She joked.

FP side eyed her. "How did you..."

"Tanya's got a big mouth." She revealed. "And besides, Tommy's not here anyway, guess he's still out doing the run."

"Well to be honest, I don't even need Tommy, you're perfect for what I needed actually. And I'm not bailing on Alice or my kid for your information." He argued.

"Take a chill pill it was a joke. Honestly, when I found out she dropped a kid I wasn't even surprised, now what was a surprise? You being the baby daddy, I mean...." Tina went on before being interrupted by FP.

"Tina!" FP exclaimed.

"Alright! What did you want?" She asked him.

"Do you still have Mikey's car seat from when you brought him home?" He asked her.

"Yeah, it's in the attic, wait here." She told him before going back inside to retrieve the car seat. She came back out a minute later with the car seat and a large bag in hand. FP immediately took it from her and she followed after him to show him how to install it into his truck.

When they were done, he ran back to the driver's seat but was stopped by Tina. "Wait! You forgot this." She said handing him the bag she had with her.

"What's this?" He asked Tina.

"Just a few clothes and stuff you might need. And I'm pretty sure you will need it." She smiled.

He got back into the car and thanked her before driving back to the hospital.

20 minutes late. He pulled up around the back of the building making sure his truck was out of site and walked around to the corner to the main hospital entrance. He walked as fast as he could back towards the maternity ward and to Alice's room.

He got there and tried to open the door but couldn't get through.

"Al? Ali open the door it's me!" He told her. She immediately got up moved the chair from the door, which certainly didn't help the pain she was already in from giving birth only the night before.

"Hey. You okay." He asked before putting the bag down and cupping her face.

"What took you so long?" Alice asked worriedly.

He rested his hands on her shoulder and looked into her deep blue eyes. He could tell she was worried sick. "Hey, hey. It's okay, I'm back." He assured her as he ran his hand down her face.

"I just had sort something out." He told her.

"Sort what out. And what's in that bag?" she asked gesturing to the backpack on his shoulder.

"Clothes, baby blankets and more stuff from Tina. I borrowed her car seat too." FP explained.

"For what?" Alice asked confused.

"So we can get out of here. we're leaving, Before Hal and his family can pull any bullshit, but we should go now." He advised her.

"Uhm, okay. Let me just get dressed and then I'll wrap him up." Alice told him.

"Okay, hurry up baby." He told her before going over to the crib with a blanket and placing it over around the tot and lifting him up and holding him to his chest. The baby fussed as he had been moved from the comfortable position he was already in.

"Hey. Hey buddy, it's okay." He said trying to calm the fussing baby. Alice was placing her shoes back on and wrapped her coat around her as she looked over at them and smiled, but that smile soon faded when she saw Hal's mother's car drive by the window.

"FP! They're here!" She said worriedly.


"I just saw Caroline's car, we have to go, now!" She said gesturing towards the door. FP still had their son in his hands and they both rushed out of the hospital room and down the hallway to the main entrance, careful not to draw any attention to themselves as they were technically leaving against hospital policy as Alice's discharge papers hadn't been signed yet.

As Alice was still in pain and had gotten stiches the prior night, she was moving slower than usual and as they got closer to the entrance, she doubled over in pain, clutching her stomach again.

FP turned back around with baby still in his arms. "Al?" He asked concerned.

"I'm fine, I'm fine. Lets just get out of here." She assured him. He still took a hold of her arm and helped her back up, walking out of the hospital with her and pulling her close to his side with one hand and their holding their son in the other.


"And you're sure you talked her around?" Hal's mother Caroline asked him as they walked through the hospital. "Because don't get me wrong dear, I'm happy that you're happy but still can't shake the fact that she's still a trashy Southside whore, and this brat she pushed out is the icing on the cake and as long as she's living with us, if she's the one you're going to marry, you will not be raising a bastard child at 17. Over my dead body! Just think about what that will do to us."

"Yes Mother, don't worry, I got through to her. I have my ways." Hal assured her as they

"Excuse me Mam, where's Alice Cooper?" Hal questioned.

"She should be in her room, is she not there?" The nurse questioned

"No, she isn't. That's why we're asking you where she is, the room is empty, and the baby's gone too." Hal said angrily

"Well she was here earlier, with a young man." The nurse told Hal and his mother.

His ears immediately perked up at the sound a young man. "Young man? What did he look like?"

"Uhm, dark hair, quite handsome. He had a leather jacket with a snake." The nurse informed them.

The minute he heard leather jacket and snake, he knew exactly who the nurse was talking about and he immediately hit the railings of the hospital bed in anger.

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