Chapter 15

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"What the hell happened?!" FP asked in a panic as he stormed over to his father with worry. He helped Hog Eye walk him over to the kitchen table

"It was the Ghoulies. They were waiting at our pick up, somebody must've tipped them off and they came and stabbed him, then took our load."

"Oh my God!" Alice cried in worry as she stood by FP and Forsythe. She walked over to Forsythe's side as he yelped in pain. Alice was concerned. She knew the business with the Ghoulies and drugs were getting out of hand, but she didn't think it would ever lead to this. Now the very thing she feared was happening on her door step.

Forsythe began to cough and struggle to breathe out properly, immediately concerning Hog Eye, Alice and even more, FP.

"Dad?! Stay with me, just stay with us alright?!" FP pleaded with worry as he rested his head in his hand.

Alice and Hog Eye applied pressure to the seeping wound, trying hard not to let him bleed out.

"This wound is pretty deep. Why didn't you take him to the hospital?" Alice yelled angrily at Hog Eye.

"And tell them what? That he got stabbed during a drug pick up by a rival gang? Can't you just patch him up like you did Fogarty that time?" Hog Eye questioned. A couple years ago, Frank Fogarty had been stabbed in the shoulder after a bar fight gone wrong at the Wyrm, and Alice being the only one who watched hospital dramas knew more or less what to do.

"Would you just patch him up? Please?!" Hog Eye begged. The man literally had concern and worry in his eyes.

"Ali please?!" FP begged. She immediately got the first aid box from the kitchen and began to work on him, being careful not to do any more damage. Once she patched him and up and did everything she could to ensure the wound was fixed to the best of her ability, she set Forsythe up in bed and advised him not to move suddenly and take his pain killers.

"How is he?" FP asked as she came out of his room.

"He'll be okay, I guess. As good as okay can be. I'm not a qualified nurse so obviously I can't be too sure. Luckily it wasn't that deep, not to far off from a slash but if it gets infected we'll have to take him to the hospital babe."

"Right." FP answered sadly as he ran his hand through his hair.

"Where's Hog Eye?" Alice asked

"He left, he had to handle some business at the Wyrm."

Alice rolled her eyes at his response. "Yeah, I can imagine." She said sarcastically before slumping down into the sofa. FP followed and sat down next to her.

"What's wrong now?" He questioned. He could sense she was mad about something, she never did a good job hiding it from him.

"Oh I don't know, just the fact that this whole business with the ghoulies has reached a point where your father is getting stabbed and the drama could get closer and closer to our door and we have a new born son to worry about now, maybe that's what's wrong." She expresses angrily at him.

"Alice you're overreacting, this was just a blip. Nothing's getting out of hand." FP tried to explain before being cut off by Alice.

"No no no, don't give me that, you know as well as I do the minute your Dad teamed up with that asshole Pete for "business" things got out of hand, you just don't wanna admit it because you don't wanna disappoint him." She announced.

FP glared at her with resentment, deep down he knew it was true. Pete Peabody had always been trouble, especially for the gang, but nobody was brave enough to call him out on it or even kick him out, not even the King. Forsythe figured it would be best to just have him co lead the gang with him in the hopes it would keep him out of trouble but that proved to be difficult.

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