Chapter 22

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Most Saturday mornings for Alice and FP were spent cradling Charlie in their arms and arguing over who would give him his bottle, but not this morning. Alice and FP had the house to their selves and took it upon themselves to take full advantage of their alone time.

She had positioned herself on his lap, straddling him as their sheets barely covered her, her arms leant on his shoulders, she pulled on his dark curls, bringing him into her and planting kisses all over his face.

"Glad you convinced my old man to take Charlie and the dog for a walk." FP said gladly as he moved to kiss her neck and ran his hands down her bare back.

Alice giggled as he began to suck on her neck harder and his finger tips lightly stroked her back muscles softly.

"Yeah well this alone time was much needed." She says to him before moving back to his lips and deepening their kiss.

"Tell me about it." He says before smirking against her lips. He holds onto her back and rolls her over on the bed so he's now on top, moving his face into her neck again before lowering himself to her waist, planting kisses down her bare chest as he does, giving her one final smile before devouring her.


"I've missed this." She says softly as her finger tips dance across his chest. He's leaned up against his headboard with his arm wrapped around her, tightly pulling her into him and admiring her after glow.

"Hmm, I could tell by those moans." He joked before she slapped his chest a little.

"My moans?! You were pretty vocal too from what I can remember." She reminds him

"Not as much as you were, but then again I don't blame you." He brags before bringing his other arm behind his head.

They hear the door unlocking and snap up quickly as they are still unclothed. They gather their clothing together as they hear a stroller coming through the front door and Hot Dog barking.

"FP?! Alice?!" Forsythe senior calls out. "I wonder where your mommy and daddy are huh?" He says to Charlie in a baby voice as he takes him out of his stroller and holds him on his hip.

Alice rushes out of the room tying her robe around her. She smiles as soon as she sees Charlie in his grandfathers arms.

"There's my little man!" She practically squeals as she lifts him out of his grandfathers hands and presses kisses into his cheeks.

"Sorry we didn't hear you, we were, busy." FP says slowly entering the room blushing a little, hoping Forsythe senior doesn't catch on to what they were doing.

"Yeah, I bet you were." Forsythe senior smirks.

"How was he?" Alice asks referring to Charlie.

"He was good, less crabby than he was at that age." Forsythe senior says as he sits back into his armchair pouting towards FP.

"Hey, I wasn't that bad was I?" FP jokes

"Are you kidding?! The only time you didn't cry or complain was when you were eating." Forsythe says to him. Overall, FP was a happy baby but when he got irritable it was hard to stop him, and not much has changed to this day.

"Because he takes after his Mommy doesn't he?" Alice says before kissing Charlie on the cheek. "Here, I think he needs changing." She says as she attempts to hand the baby to his father, who took him back into his room. Alice smiled as he blew raspberries into the tots cheek.

She turned back around to find Forsythe staring at her as if something was plaguing him.

"What's wrong?" She asked as she sat on the couch opposite him.

"I didn't want to say anything before but, I bumped into your mom out there too." He explains.

Alice rolled her eyes upon hearing about her mother. She honestly wanted nothing more to do with that woman.

"What did she want? And why is she even still in town?" Alice asked in an annoyed tone.

"From what I gather, she seems serious about making amends with you." Forsythe told her.

"Where have I heard that before?"

"I think you should at least hear her out, not that you owe her anything but it's gonna plague you even more if you don't." Forsythe explained to her. Deep down Alice knew that he was right, it was plaguing her, and even though she couldn't stand her mother a small part of her wanted to work on rebuilding their relationship.

"I'll think about it." Alice told him before going back to the bedroom. She entered to find FP laying on the bed and raising Charlie up into the air and back down to him, making her smile instantly.

"Hey, you okay babe?" He asks her as she stands in the door way.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I'll always be as long as I've got you two."

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