Chapter 41

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The harsh autumn weather of Riverdale had made its presence very clear the morning Alice had planned to visit FP for the first time since he got locked up.

She had gotten up early and dressed Charlie, planning to bring him with her, ready to go before she heard the heavy pitter patter of rain against the truck as she began her drive.

It was going to be a long one, so she figured she'd make a quick stop before proceeding with her journey.

She strolled into Pops Diner with Charlie on her hip, removing her hood as she subconsciously looked around the diner before approaching the front counter.

"Hi Pop." She greeted with a mild smile.

He looked up from his till and smiled right back. "Alice! Hey!

She pulls a tight smile, grateful to see him but still feeling incredibly down.

"And how's this little guy?" Pop gushed as he reaches out and poked Charlie's chubby little cheeks.

Alice grinned as she looked down at the adorable tot. "He's as good as can be, missing his Daddy and all." She adds sadly before perking up a little.

"You gonna say hello to Pop sweetie?" She cooed. The infant delivered a toothless grin at the grown up in the white uniform.

"He's precious." Pop chuckled. "And what about you? How are you doing?"

Alice sighed deeply before shifting her eyes towards him.

"I'm just trying to be strong, for FP, for Charlie, for Senior." Alice explains. The thought of FP still being in prison made her feel worse by the day and utterly helpless. Between trying to get him out and keep things as normal as they can be for Charlie she was stressing herself out.

"I'm actually on my way to see him, thought I'd get a milkshake for the road."

"Vanilla? Large?" Pop confirms.

Her lips twitch up into a smile as she reaches for her purse. "You know it."

She takes the milkshake in hand after he brings the freshly prepared beverage to her and proceeds to leave before hearing a familiar voice call her name a few booths away.


She responds to the call, walking over to see Hermione and Fred say comfortably next to each other in the booth.

"We were just about to come by to see you." Fred mentions as she takes a seat, resting a fidgety Charlie on her lap.

"I'm actually on my way to go see FP." She reveals sadly.

"Has there been any developments?" Hermione questions curiously

"He's got a plea hearing in a few weeks." She announces exasperatedly, mindlessly playing with Charlie's hair. This entire thing was beginning to exhaust her. "He'll have to plead guilty because of the witnesses and the judge will show lenience, but he's looking to face two years."

"After what your scumbag boyfriend did to my brother, it's the least he deserves." Cassandra rudely interrupted as she approached the three teens.

Fury ripped through Alice's veins as she lay her eyes on her demonic ex's sister.

She wanted nothing more than to slap that smug smile off of her face but all that she could do in that moment was remind herself of her infant son on her lap, and where his father was right now, what would happen to him if she was to end up in FP's position.

"Count to 10 Alice." She whispered to herself, inhaling a deep breathe and slowly exhaling in an attempt to calm herself down, it worked to the minimum, which was a surprise to her.

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