Chapter 40

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Alice would never be up at the damn near crack of dawn during her mid term break of all times, however, FP's early morning bail hearing was an exception.

Charlie had remained cranky, possibly down to the fact that his mother had got him up way too early to get him ready.

Sat down on the couch, with a small desk mirror sat on the coffee table in front of her, as well as her make up scattered around it, she finished  up changing his diaper and sat him up straight against the couch, placing two cushions around him to protect him from falling or rolling off.

He had recently learnt to sit up by himself, but that didn't stop him from having a tumble every now and then.

She had only one thing on her agenda today; get FP home, and she made sure to pull out all the stops.

She pulled out a tube of deep red lipstick from her cosmetics bag and began to paint it perfectly over her lips, concentrating throughly as she glared at her reflection.

She had always known appearance was everything, and she had gotten it into her head that if she turned up looking as prim and proper as she could, it would send the right message to the judge, that message being that FP and his family were more than Southside trash, hence why she had decided to go for a professional and mature look.

She had tied half of her curly blonde locks into a slick and tight ponytail, not a strand was out of place, while the rest of her hair flowed down past her shoulders.

She went with a simple eye look, a good amount of mascara to make her ocean blue orbs pop, rather than her usual black smoky eyeshadow and thick liner.

To finish it off, for her wardrobe, she had gone with a simple black pencil skirt, that fell just below the knee, dark grey kitten heels, a plain white shirt buttoned up to just below her neck and a silk black blazer.

"I can't even think straight, I'm nervous as hell for the boy." Forsythe panicked as he came through to the living room, loosening his tie from his neck a little

His face was flushed with fear as he paced up and down in the room before his eyes finally landed on Alice.

She glances up, slowly placing her lipstick back into the tube and putting it away before slouching back into the chair, noticing his tie wasn't quite fixed right.

"Your tie's on backwards." She points out

He looked down at the neck garment with a confused expression before noticing the mistake and mentally kicking himself as well as slapping his head and tutting in frustration. It seemed like nothing was going his way this morning.

Alice placed her purse next to her on the couch as she watched him frustratedly attempt to move the tie and walked over to him to lend a hand, she had seen FP adjust one enough times to know what she was doing.

"FP called last night." She told him as she swung the tie around, preparing to tuck it.

"What did he say?"

"He told me to tell you not to worry, and to kiss Charlie goodnight and that he loves me." She finished as she patted his tie and adjusted it into a perfect position.

She stepped back a little observing her handy work before folding her arms to her chest. "He also said he's sorry."

Forsythe closed his eyes softly before fixing his lips into a defeated frown.

"I'm not angry with him, I'm just worried."

He'd been protective of the boy since he was a baby, especially after his mother died and while he may not have been the best Dad around, he still tried his best to keep him out of trouble and raise him right. And the thought of him spending his prime years in prison terrified him. It felt like all his years of hard work were for nothing.

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