Chapter 30

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It had been two weeks since Alice's Mother was exposed and she had cut her out of her life for good. It was a lonely feeling and guilt came around every now and again but deep down she knew it was for the best. Her mother had been a toxic presence throughout her life and she needed to eradicate her once and for all to focus on what really mattered, because at the end of the day, she had a new family now, Charlie and FP.

Despite the problems that had been rising between the two in past weeks, they had worked through it together and the two were happier and stronger than ever and had no problem showing it, even in a bar full of strangers.

They were currently sat in the Whyte Wyrm and Alice had situated herself very comfortably onto FP's lap with her arms wrapped around his neck. The two were making out passionately like nobody's business.

He stopped their kissing to catch his breath and look up at her. She was wearing his serpent jacket and looked damn sexy in it.

"You look good in my jacket." He smirked as he ran his hands up and down the leather sleeves.

"You think?" She questioned. He nodded.

He bit his bottom lip and looked at her again, moving his hands to her back and pulling her into him a little further.

"It would look better on the bedroom floor though." He said suggestively.

She rose her eyebrows at him and grinned seductively.

"Oh really? Well how about we get out of here, put Charlie down to sleep, and go back to the trailer?"

"I like the way you think Smith." He hugged her legs around his waist and stood up, placing her on the table in front of him before practically shoving his tongue down her throat. She happily accepted it and stroked his cheek with her hand as their tongues battled for power.

Their kiss was interrupted by one of the Serpents up on stage calling for everybody's attention.

"Serpents! Listen up!" The young man called out. Alice turned around to pay closer attention to him while FP pulled Charlie's pushchair closer.

"Since when did you call emergency Serpent meetings Josh?" Alice called out.

"Since my brother got arrested at the Canadian border for heroin possession!" The young man revealed, causing the whole bar to gasp.

"We don't deal with heroin, where the hell would your brother have gotten it from?" FP questioned.

"That's what I'd like to know too." Josh said sarcastically. He hopped off stage and began to glare every one down. Someone in the room was responsible for his little brother getting arrested and he was going to find out who one way or another.

"So come on, own up. Which one of you cowards got a 15 year old kid to do your dirty work huh?!" He yelled

This whole situation baffled the Serpents, Forsythe included, seeing as he knows for sure there had been no talks of heroin smuggling on his watch.

"Now hang on a minute Josh, how do you know a serpent had something to do with this?" Forsythe questioned.

"Because he told me over the phone. Obviously he didn't snitch, he's too loyal and naive for that." Josh explained

The mention of heroin only left Alice to draw up one conclusion, and judging by the anxious nature of Penny and her father Peter's faces along with the whispering between the two, her suspicions were likely right.

"Something you wanna share with the class Peabody?" Alice called out as she glared in Penny's direction.

The blonde cut off her conversation with her father and bit onto her tongue as her jaw tightened. She rolled her eyes and scoffed as Alice slowly began to approach her.

"Nothing that concerns you Smith. Go back to your toy boy." Penny snapped before casually turning around. She wasn't sure how good her poker face was but she didn't want to risk Alice sniffing her out.

"Oh I think it does, considering you're the only person here that I know of that's tried to get us to shift heroin."

"You did what?!" Forsythe bellowed as he stood up out of his seat, clearly raging and stunned at this revelation, especially seeing as it involved Alice who he saw as a daughter.

"About a year ago, when I was really strapped for cash, she tried to get me move some heroin to Centerville and I told her no fucking way." Alice boldly explained

Penny stuttered on the spot, gulping any words she was about to stay and clenched her fists nervously.

"You are not about to hang me out to dry! Say something!" She pleaded to her father.

"Alright fine! Don't get on Penny's case." Peter begged as he stood with his hands up.

He stepped forward towards the crowd. "I arranged, a business deal with the Ghoulies, to help up our status a bit. The serpents were getting soft, we needed to prove we meant business." Pete revealed nonchalantly.

"You did what?! Serpents don't deal with hard stuff!" Forsythe yelled

"Well it's about time we should! Do you know much money we've made this past year? How our reps improved?-"

"That's not the point! An innocent kid is now sitting in jail because of your recklessness and you violated our code." Forsythe reminded him

"I'm still co leader in case you forgot. You don't have as much power as you think Jones." He smirked

"Not anymore." Forsythe snapped back. "All those in favour of exiling this traitor say I!" Forsythe held up their infamous snake fangs symbol and the rest of the bar followed.

"You can't do that!" Penny screeched

"He's the King, I think you'll find he can do what the hell he wants you cobra." FP argued

Penny immediately charged for him, ready to wrap her hands around his neck but Alice got in the way and she ended up pushing her down instead.

"Right that's it! Both are you get the hell out and don't even think about coming back. Traitor scum!" Forsythe bellowed as he grabbed Peter by the shoulder and pushed him out with Penny following behind them.

"Al, you okay?" He worries as he helps her up.

She dusts herself and grips his biceps, looking deeply into his soft brown eyes. "Yeah, I'm good. Just take me home."

A/N: I know this was underwhelming and boring but it was only a filler chapter if I'm being completely honest. I had another one planned but I scrapped the idea because I feel like it just didn't fit with the story, but don't worry, the following chapters after this one will be jam packed with drama, it will be the teens senior year and there's a lot action that waits ahead for them all.

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