Chapter 3

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"What the fuck do you mean you're pregnant?!" Tanya shrieked in panic as well as confusion as she tried to hold Alice up and support her. The blonde was still hunched over and clutching onto her stomach.

Regulating her shallow breaths, she finally raised herself up, narrowing her eyes towards Tanya. "I mean I had sex 9 months ago, and now I'm about to have a baby!" She yelled frustratedly before focusing back on her building contractions. She could feel them coming no doubt.

Tanya halts in her movements, immediately thinking back to the very months Alice was referring to. "9 months?" She repeats, furrowing her thick brown brows in deep thought. "Wait, is that why you left?" Tanya questioned. Of course, it was exactly 8 months ago that Alice had made the choice to the leave their gang, and exactly six months before she had left the Southside and began dating Hal.

"Yes!" Alice breathes out with a mild whimper. "There's more to it, but yes."

"We've gotta get you to the hospital." Tanya explained to her. "Can you move? Tommy's car is just around the block, do you want me to call someone?" Tanya asked frantically, helping a weakened and panicked Alice down the block.

"No!" She immediately protested, sounding louder than intended to, but who could blame her? All she had was Hal. He had made it clear how he felt about this baby, and he was already planning on erasing it from both of their lives, much to Alice's dismay. She didn't want him around to make any more decisions for her or sway the ones she already had. "I- I don't need anybody, just, just get me to the hospital." Alice breathed out through her struggle.

Without even having time to think anything through rationally, Tanya helped Alice towards her home, directing her to her brother's car, stealing his keys in the process and zooming down the streets of Riverdale as fast as possible towards the hospital.

Upon arrival, the two stormed through the doors, dismissing the already crazy and hectic atmosphere of patients and doctors wandering around, trying to make miracles happen.

They spotted the reception desk at the maternity ward, Tanya helping a staggering and panicked Alice towards it.

"Argghhh!" Alice yelped in pain once more, hunching over and breathing much heavier, in through her nose and out of her mouth. She had seen that method play out more times than one on television. She didn't know what to think in that moment. She was terrified, worried, angry, any emotion with a negative connotation, you name it. It hadn't yet processed that she was really in labour, and within a matter of hours, she'd be holding a newborn infant in her arms, and the whole concept overwhelmed her.

"Can we get a nurse over here please!" Tanya called out frantically as she looked around in desperation, hoping for a doctor, a nurse, heck anybody to come to their aid.

Hearing the frantic calls from the two teen girls, 2 nurses came rushing from around the corner, worry and curiosity gracing their faces as they took over, holding Alice up and leading her into the nearest available room with Tanya on their trail.

"What's the patients name?" One of the nurses asked, taking a clipboard out from underneath the bed that Alice was directed to.

She struggled with another contraction, calmly making herself as comfortable as she could possibly be before leaning back into the large soft white pillow placed perfectly behind her. "Alice." She revealed breathlessly. "Alice Smith. B-but, I don't understand how my waters broke, I still have, three weeks left." She stated frantically to the nurses before her.

"Well sometimes dear, these things can happen early with no explanation. I guess this baby is just in a hurry to come into the world." The second nurse smiled. "Now, have you contacted the father? Or your parents?"

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