Chapter 14

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Karen slowly stepped towards them, attempting to talk, but Alice immediately walked around her towards the front door.

FP watched in slight distance as the woman practically ran towards Alice with a cigarette dangling out of her mouth.

"Alice stop. I just want to talk to you." Karen pleaded.

Alice narrowed her eyes at her. "You should've got the hint this morning." She snapped.

FP continued to watch the women bicker in the background while checking down on Charlie in the car seat he held on his hands. The infant was fast asleep. He must've drifted off in the car when they didn't notice FP thought to himself.

"No." Alice said sternly

"No what?" Karen answered confused.

"Whatever it is you want, no."

"And what makes you think I'm after something? You won't even let me speak."

"You always want something." Alice snapped back before calling FP and going to walk inside.

He walked towards her and attempted to go right past Karen. If Alice didn't want to speak to her so by default neither did he.

Karen watched on as FP attempted to walk by her towards Alice but her words stopped him.

"So, is this my little grandson then?" Karen questioned as she lowered her head towards the car seat to get a closer look.

Alice wasn't having any of it and immediately took the car seat from FP to carry inside.

"Stay away from him!" She warned and went to step into the trailer, FP following behind her.

"I split up with Ray!" Karen yelled, one last attempt to try and get her daughter to listen to her for 30 seconds. Those 5 words immediately stopped Alice in her tracks and she turned around in shock.

At first it was hard for her to believe as her mother was obsessed with him and always chose him over her, but upon deeper thought, it explained perfectly why she was here.

"FP take Charlie inside, I'll be in a minute." She told him.

"You sure? I can stay." He informed her.

"No it's okay. This is between me and her." She assured him before rubbing his arm. He lowered his head to kiss her cheek and she handed him the car seat Charlie was placed in and watched him walk inside.

"Charlie? That's his name? You named him after your Grandaddy?" Karen asked happily before lighting another cigarette.

"Yeah, I did, and never mind that. What do you mean you split up?"

"I mean, things didn't work out between us" Karen explained before taking a sad drag of her cigarette.

"What happened? Did you catch his wondering eye on teenage girls?" Alice snapped.

"Don't start that bullshit again! Yeah he was a little rough around the edges but he would've never done that! You've just always been a stuck up little brat who couldn't stand to see me happy with anybody. Nearly every man I've been with you've had a problem with him!" Karen screamed

"Oh my god you still don't believe me do you?" Alice cried.

The fact that her mother cared so little about her that she refused to believe her when she told her Ray assaulted her had hurt her to her core. Instead of kicking Ray out, she flipped and went into a rage at Alice, using her pregnancy to accuse her of coming onto him or leading him on.

Alice turned back around in anger and walked back towards the door, absolutely fuming and filled with sorrow and rage, she wanted to punch her mother in the face right there on the spot, but after brief thought, came to the conclusion that she just wasn't worth it.

"Allie baby wait! I'm sorry!" The woman called out running on her tip toes. The heels she had chosen to wear really didn't do her any favours."

"Get away from me!" Alice yelled, catching the attention of FP. He moved the curtain back and peeked through the window to get a closer look.

"I came back for you, I came back to be a grandma." Karen defended

"Try being a mother first!" She yells before slamming the door in her face.

She tried to keep up with her breathing and calm herself down before running a hand through her hair and leaning against the door and sinking down in tears. FP immediately ran to her and took her in his arms, comforting and shushing her as her tears stained his shirt.


It was beginning to get late and FP and Alice had spent the majority of the evening lying in bed, him up against his wall and her curled up in his side with his arm wrapped around her.

She had earlier decided to use the time to catch up on the masses of work she had to complete, which is why she found herself doing maths problems when she could've been doing more interesting activities with FP.

"Damn it!" Alice yells in frustration with a question she can't answer

"What's wrong?" FP questions her

"This equation I'm stuck on can you help me." She asks with a pout

He gives her a cheeky smile and changes his position slightly. "Well since you asked nicely" He smirks as he takes her book and pencil from her.

School was never his sting suit but he knew math like the back of hand, it just came to him naturally and she's worried with finals coming up

"Baby look. You've gotta carry the two over and then square it by this" He explains pointing to equation before bopping her on the nose with the pencil.

"Oh right. I totally knew that" She lies as she takes the book and pencil back and moving towards the end of the bed.

"No you didn't" He jokes before smacking her butt.

"Oww! Don't hit me!" She laughs before slapping him with her book.

"Baby don't act like you don't love it."

"Okay maybe I do but so what?" She responds.

He laughed as he reached for his guitar and began to play around with it, slowly strumming the strings and playing around with notes as she watched him get so deeply invested into it.

She couldn't help but notice how sexy he looked lying there shirtless as he played along.

"You know, I can leave this work till tomorrow." She suggests as she crawls up to him on the bed.

"Oh yeah?" He rhetorically asked as he put the guitar down. "Well what did you have in mind for us to do instead?"

She instantly straddled his hips and reached her arms around his neck. "I can show you better than I can tell you." She whispered before lowering herself in to kiss him. He gladly returned it and ran his hands up and down her soft thighs as their make out session became more hot and heavy.

As he was about to flip her over, they were interrupted by the trailer for swinging open and a huge commotion in the living room.

"What the hell?" FP asked himself. He got and walked towards his door with Alice following behind him curious to know what the hell had happened.

They turned the corner to find Forsythe being brought into the kitchen with Hog Eye by his side and what appeared to be a stab wound deep in his left side.


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